Europa Nostra urges the Roumanian government to save Rosia Montana
Good to see! I just received this info from DG re: a letter sent to PM Boc from Europa Nostra, the voice of cultural heritage in Europe, on the subject of Rosia Montana, urging for the highest level of protection to be ensured by the Roumanian government for this piece of unique cultural and natural heritage:
may 16
In a letter addressed to Prime Minister of Romania Emil Boc, Europa Nostra urged the Romanian Government to ensure the highest level of protection of the unique cultural and natural heritage of the Rosia Montana area.
“Experts agree that Rosia Montana has an outstanding heritage value, not only for Romania, but for the whole of Europe. We are sure that your government will therefore wish to safeguard this heritage for present and future generations, and to promote a sustainable long-term development strategy which will provide a viable future for the community living in the area,” stressed Europa Nostra Executive President Denis de Kergorlay, in his letter.
More specifically, Europa Nostra recommends that Romanian Minister of Culture Keleman Hunor, formally include Rosia Montana in the country’s Tentative List for World Heritage Sites and forwards this proposal to UNESCO in time to be considered by this year’s meeting of the World Heritage Committee in Paris in June.
The Joint Standing Committee of the Romanian Chamber of Deputies and the Senate for the relation with UNESCO first called for Rosia Montana to be included in the Tentative List of World Heritage Sites in November 2010. This view has been supported by the Romanian National Commission on Historic Monuments, as well as by the Romanian Academy and ICOMOS International.
While waiting for the decision on the future of Rosia Montana to be taken by the Romanian government, Europa Nostra expressed its deep concern that some archaeological sites excavated more than 4 years ago are vulnerable to deterioration and need urgent protection. Denis de Kergorlay therefore asked “the Romanian government to take immediate measures to protect these sites from this danger and to ensure that the highest level of legal protection of the listed monuments and sites in Rosia Montana is maintained.”
Europa Nostra also expressed its readiness to assist the Romanian government in finding the necessary expertise to help ensure long term solutions and the sustainable future of the unique cultural and natural heritage of Rosia Montana.
Europa Nostra’s views have been communicated to the European Parliament and European Commission, the Council of Europe, and UNESCO. Europa Nostra was subsequently informed by letter from Francesco Bandarin, Assistant Director General for Culture at UNESCO that this organisation will express its concern to the Romanian Government regarding the proposed gold mining project, and it will encourage the authorities to ensure the safeguarding and protection of the heritage and nature at Rosia Montana and recommend that the relevant national authorities undertake all necessary heritage and environmental impact assessment studies.
EUROPA NOSTRA, The Voice of Cultural Heritage in Europe
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