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Sarah in Romania
18 janvier 2016

A perfume of farewell - Silvia Kerim 1931-2016

A perfume of farewell - Silvia Kerim 1931-2016
"Într-o zi de noiembrie a anului 2002, o zi însemnată pentru România, deasupra cerului întunecat al Bucureştilor s-a arătat un curcubeu. Eu cred în curcubee..." ~ Silvia Kerim, 'Vedere din Parfumerie' Silvia Kerim, Romanian journalist and author of the...
6 janvier 2016

Welcome to the House of the People - and don't come back!

Welcome to the House of the People - and don't come back!
Last week, one of my closest friends (S.) came to Bucharest for New Year. It was her first visit so I really wanted her to feel the charm of this marvellous, vibrant city. We sped about all over the place taking in museums, galleries, churches, monasteries...
Sarah in Romania
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