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Sarah in Romania
24 août 2008


In relation to article below:

Oh, what a pile of absolute piffle! And as DaniK says in her comments on Ziua (amongst other things), what possessed the journalist to choose THAT particular photo - so relaxed, so self assured, and if that's a sorry face, then I'd love to see a don't care one. It's a real revelation of his personality. Absolutely no conscience, no shame... And as for the comment "I'm sorry to all those who appear in my notes but I say with conviction that they didn't suffer"...excuse me?!!! Is that an apology? How can he possibly say they didn't suffer? 4 months minimum in prison? Children, all of them. Terrified. Childhood ripped apart. What a disgusting thing to say. Todea was in prison, too - shame they ever let him out, as it's the best place for him - was then and is now.

Where's the profound sense of wrong doing? Of course everyone knows that the article was 'commissioned' by the director of Ziua, who was a collaborator and snitch too. Word has it that he would demand interviews from people and if they didn't grant one, he'd dig the dirt, then blackmail them with whatever he found. A nice duo. Todea is NOT the victim here. How dare such an interview be given to try to show that this is the case, to soften his guilt and turn the attention away from those that truely suffered. It's an offence, an insult to those children, now all in their 70's who have been through the mill enough as it is - for 50 years. It sickens me that this louse continues to walk the same streets as his victims all these years on without so much as a word. That he built a life and a career on lies, sneaking around, spying, grassing, reporting on anyone he could to get further up the ladder... I wonder if he chose them especially or if it was just pot luck. He began his 'career' as an informer when he was 17 and it continued until 1989. Today he is 73 years old. Imagine how many people were persecuted, imprisoned, lost their jobs, refused entry to university, were interrogated and tortured, lost chunks of their lives during his most 'successful career'...oh, yes, what a successful career it was. And why? I quote a comment I read just now, "for money? For priveleges? For a passport? Probably all three."

We are waiting for his resignation, as promised. Not that it will help matters, albeit that after what he did, directing a childrens' theatre is in very poor taste. We're also waiting for public apology to his victims. There are many. What a very despised man he is. How sad to get to 73 and be so hated, so loathed....

Some further comments. Bravo! Bravo!!!!

Cornel Todea,


Esti un om de nimic, unul care a suit toate tretpele profesiunii turnand toti acesti 50 de ani si mai bine.

Dece? Dece a fost necesar sa o torni pe Marioana, pe celelalte trei fete si pe baieti: Radu M. Ionel V.. si altii?

Dece l-ai turnat pe NC Munteanu?  Pentru o pozitie, pentru bani, pentru un pasaport? Probabil pentru toate..


Ai 73 de ani.. Nu iti este catusi de putin rusine pentru aceste fapte miselesti? Te-ai gandit sa-ti ceri iertare, sau poate chiar sa te duci la biserica Floreasca si te inchini.. E in cartierul tau.



In sfarsit


Bine ca te-au demasca cei dela Catavencu si Ziua, desi ziarista dela Ziua a fost prea amabila cu tine, un turnator ordinar, care vrei sa te justifici azi. la 73 de ani.

Gandeste-te la cei a caror libertate ai furat-o. Cauta-i si cere-le iertare in scris daca ai putina demnitate si remuscari

Pe cati ai turnat?



Iti mai aduci aminte pe cati ai turnat? Prea multi ca sa-ti aduci aminte; ai dat in stanga si dreapta cu coatele si gura ca sa ajungi sa fi regizor intr- societate atat de invidioasa. Doar rapoartele te-au salvat ca sa mai lucrezi si acum, la 73 de ani.


Mai ai putina rusine? Da-ti demisia si stai acasa, iesi doar sa-ti iei ziarul, dar nu Ziua ca  prietenul tau Sorin, si el fost securist, a trimis o jurnalista cuminte, care sa nu te jigneasca intrebandu-te lucruri jenante. Ai avut parte de un interviu bland, comandat de redactorul sef chipurile sa te scuzi pentru marsavia ta.

"Esplicatii stiintifice ezista', vorba impuscatului pe care il filmai din toate unghiurile.                                 

O viata de turnator:

Uitandu-ma la activitatea d-tale de creatie din ultimele 5 decenii ma cutremur ganduindu-ma cum ti-a trecut prin minte sa-ti cladesti cariera in detrimentul altora.Ma intreb cum ai putut trai cu constiinta d-tale nu numai pana in 1989 dar IN SPECIAL  dupa 1990. Credeai chiar ca nu se va descoperi niciodata ticalosia tradarii? Dece n-ai avut atunci curajul sa marturisesti infamia precum  raposatul Alexandru Paleologu. Dar bine, Cornel Toadea n-a fost niciodata un Paleologu ci un turnator ordinar si pe deasupra las.Rusine sa-ti fie de acum si pana iti vei da duhul.

Da-ti demisia dela teatru!

si retrage-te din viata publica..Ai facut mult rau in viata asta si poate numai Dumnezeu te va ierta. Esti un ticalos, dar asta o stiai de mult si nu trebuia sa te lasi fotografiat intr-o postura relaxanta. La urma urmei, discutai cu jurnalista trimisa de prietenul Sorin despre viata ta de turnator, nu despre vremea torida de afara.




Not even DaniK could have said it better..:-))<br /> I'll send you more comments, if you care to read them, at least for practicing the roumanian language.<br /> Nicole
Sarah in Romania
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