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Sarah in Romania

30 mai 2010

Just another Dracula book?

Just another Dracula book?
Wrote about this book in December last year - now here it is again, and with James Rosapepe speaking about Roumania and its people. How marvellous to read something so positive and open-hearted for once: From The Examiner: "Dracula is Dead"- A Book About...
25 mai 2010

It's a miracle!

It's a miracle!
First the violet flame, then the miraculous conception! It's all happening in the country of my heart! Bravo! Does anyone actually believe such drivel, after all? A 56 year old woman who couldn't become pregnant 5 years ago now has and her child is supposed...
24 mai 2010

Child Prostitution Racket Unearthed in France

Child Prostitution Racket Unearthed in France
Parent-led child prostitution ring arrested in Bordeaux Église Notre-Dame, Bordeaux Photo: Christophe Finot By RFI Nine Bulgarians suspected of forcing their eight children to work as prostitutes on the streets of Bordeaux were arrested by French police...
21 mai 2010

Paintings nicked in Paris

Paintings nicked in Paris
Paris art thief appears more no-frills than thrillseeker Christophe Girard, deputy Paris mayor, gives a press conference outside the Musee d'Art Moderne. Photograph: Philippe Wojazer/Reuters The Guardian The deputy culture secretary at Paris city hall...
12 mai 2010

cal Victoriei, nr 9

Just received: In aceste zile se desfasoara un act de distrugere fara precedent la acest obiectiv de Patrimoniu National, de importanta exceptionala - categoria A.Este exemplar pt coruptia actuala generalizata, institutiile statului si directiile lor...
12 mai 2010


Received this afternoon. Please read it as I wipe my eyes. I didn't understand every word - but no need. The message is clear and the images blatent. Beautifully written and tragic. Tragic and true. Thank you for sending it on, iubita mea xox : ROSTUL...
11 mai 2010

May 10th - a great day for Roumania!

May 10th - a great day for Roumania!
On May 10, 1866, Carol I of Hohenzollern-Sigmaringen arrived in Bucharest, took the oath of office in Parliament and exactly ten years later, he proclaimed Roumania’s independence. Finally, on May 10, 1881, she was proclaimed a kingdom and Carol I was...
26 avril 2010

No more drugs for HIV patients

No more drugs for HIV patients
News from the Guardian...quel cata. It's unbelievable...and a death sentence. Romania runs out of Aids drugs The lives of people with HIV in Romania are being put at risk as the country runs out of drugs to keep them alive, say NGOs, while the government...
25 avril 2010

Legion d'honeur for Norman Manea

This from Nine O'Clock Norman Manea receives French Legion of Honour distinction 26.04.10 | by: Nine oClock | in: culture After receiving worldwide accolades and a lot of cultural distinctions, Romanian-born writer Norman Manea was recently knighted by...
25 avril 2010

Leeds postal workers boycott house over cat

Leeds postal workers boycott house over cat
Leeds postal workers boycott house over cat attacks, BBC News Royal Mail has stopped deliveries to a house in Leeds after postal workers came under attack from an elderly cat. Tiger is said to have scratched postal workers and chased them down the garden...
24 avril 2010

Kapitalism: Our Improved Formula

From Kathimerini (supplement of IHT in Greece and Cyprus) Ceausescu ‘resurrected’ in film AFP Portraits of Romanians, businessmen George Becali, George Copos, OTV television owner Dan Diaconescu and Dinu Patriciu are seen on TV screens forming part of...
24 avril 2010

reaction to the "roumanian salute"

I don't really know what to say. I just read this in the Bucharest Herald - the Roumanian bloggers response to the Roumanian Salute which, as someone said on a comment here on Sarah In Romania is 'minable'. Yes, it is. Truly 'minable'. I expected a response...
20 avril 2010

Romania insulted on France 2

Dear Everyone, Truely outrageous and a result of ignorance... One thing in addition - the majority of the French population have absolutely no idea that Roumanian culture has anything to do with their's...sad but true. Brancusi - who? Ionescu - who's...
19 avril 2010

Photography project in Lipscani

I'd like to add to this article from Nine O'Clock that the historical centre of Bucharest is not only 'degrading', it is being actively and purposefully destroyed by people like Stefan Damien and his cronies whose faith lies in money rather than morality,...
19 avril 2010

The Godfather...

The below article taken from Nine O'Clock - and what can I say? One couldn't possibly have chosen a more charming, trust-worthy godfather...bravo! Petre Roman christens his son Former Prime Minister Petre Roman had his son baptised on Saturday at Bucharest’s...
19 avril 2010

Far right strengthens in Hungary

Far right strengthens in Hungary
The following article is from the BBC - very worrying indeed... It has been known for a while that Hungary's rascism in the form of anti-semitism has deepened...but to swing far right to such an extent is not only sobering, but frightening. Hungary's...
18 avril 2010

Malaele in Italy

Malaele in Italy
My very favourite Roumanian actor (and many other talents besides) Malaele wows Florence. The following article from the Bucharest Herald: Lectia lui Malaele apropie Florenta de Bucuresti E-mail Print PDF Spectacolul „Lecţia” de Eugene Ionesco, în regia...
15 avril 2010

Statues moved (temporarily) as carpark work begins...

This piece of news from Nine O'Clock... Oprescu to move statues from University area 14.04.10 | by: Vlad Alexandrescu | in: homenews Only one more approval is needed to start working on the University parking, mayor of the Capital, Sorin Oprescu, announced...
12 avril 2010

Strength in poetry...

Please, please if you do nothing else this evening, click on THIS LINK and listen to the very special, very wonderful Ana Blandiana. How I wish I could just hug her. She exudes such warmth, such depth. Here, she speaks of the half hour that showed her...
4 avril 2010

Happy Easter!

Happy Easter!
HRISTUS A INVIAT!! Un Paste Fericit! Sanatate! Bucurii! Cu drag, Sarah
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Sarah in Romania
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