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Sarah in Romania

30 septembre 2010

Law passed due to double vision...

Roberta Anastase really needs to improve her maths skills... Constitutional Court postpones ruling over Pensions’ Law 30.09.10 | by: Nine oClock | in: homenews Constitutional Court judges yesterday decided to postpone until next week issuing a ruling...
30 septembre 2010

A blog for Florentina Cîrstea

Nicole, Florina and I have created a new blog for news and updates on Florentina Cîrstea. Please see HERE. There's so much to be posted and discussed that it seems more fitting to make a place just for her. If you click on the above link, you will see...
30 septembre 2010

Florentina's release denied

Asistenta Florentina Cârstea rămâne în arest 30/09/2010 (Actualizat 14:46) Asistenta Florentina Cîrstea, de la maternitatea Giuleşti, va rămâne în arest, a decis Tribunalul Bucureşti care a admis contestaţia procurorilor faţă de decizia de...
29 septembre 2010

Florentina's mama in an interview and more news

Lots of news today regarding Florentina. Please click HERE for more. Video News: Mama asistentei de la Giuleşti: Nu înţeleg de ce trebuie să plătească fata mea pentru erorile sistemului. Mama asistentei Florentina Cârstea, acuzată pentru tragedia de la...
29 septembre 2010

Herta Muller in Bucharest

From Nine O'Clock Herta Muller: I do not collect medals… 28.09.10 | by: Ana-Maria Iancu | in: culture A writer that is so obviously reluctant to sharing too much with the press and in the meantime a pretty direct and sharp observer, lending the world...
28 septembre 2010

Florentina was NOT released last night

Florentina was NOT released last night
Well after the last joyous post, I'm afraid I have to apologise for giving false news. Browsing through the various blogs supporting Florentina just now, I was shocked by a post on Blogul Cristinei Bazavan, claiming that Florentina WAS NOT RELEASED last...
28 septembre 2010

Florentina will be released from preventive arrest

Marvellous news!!! Florentina will be released from preventive arrest today!! Oooh!! I'm in tears! Thank you Emil for the news!! It's the best we've had in months!! See TVR. Apparently the prosecution have 24h to appeal the decision at the District Court....
27 septembre 2010

Two more blogs in support of Florentina

HERE is another blog written by Cristina Bazavan and one more by Dan Tanasescu. It is great to find more support for Florentina - and the comments also merit a read as much as the posts themselves. Do please visit them and add your views for they are...
27 septembre 2010

Florentina's husband speaks out

Florentina's husband speaks out
Have just received this article via Florina from Libertatea - an interview with Florentina Cîrstea's husband who makes some very valid points to be added to the long list for her defence (please scroll down for English translation): Exclusiv | Soţul asistentei...
25 septembre 2010

EC spokesperson puts his foot in it...

Unbelievable! What an idiot! If Dennis Abbott, an EC spokesperson for culture and education, doesn't know the ethnic/linguistic difference then what hope for the international public??? Romanian language confused with the Romani language by EC spokesperson...
21 septembre 2010

Giulesti Maternity partially opens and another new lawyer for Florentina

Giulesti Maternity partially opens and another new lawyer for Florentina
(Photo: Libertatea ) Oh well, so much for the reopening of the Giulesti Maternity. It was a partial opening, said Marius Savu. Why? Because 'they' forgot to get approval from the gas board (Distrigaz)... after all Oprescu's reassurances... Brilliant!...
20 septembre 2010

Giulesti Maternity reopens today

Giulesti Maternity reopens today
Giulesti Maternity Hospital will officially reopen today after 'renovation' following the fire on 16th August, says Nine O'Clock... however, the Mayor of Bucharest, Sorin Oprescu said "only the Intensive Care Unit for premature newborns - which has been...
18 septembre 2010

Justice? What justice!

My deepest thanks to Florina who just translated THIS article for me from Romania always, without her I would be utterly lost in making any sense of the Roumanian press: Dust in the public eye 'The College of Romanian Physicians (CMR) asks...
17 septembre 2010

Another 30 days for Florentina

Florentina Carstea's 29 day preventive arrest has come to an end...and been prolonged by another 30 days. Adrian Toma and Vasile Dima remain free whilst investigations continue, Marinescu seems to have been so well defended by Nazat and so protected by...
15 septembre 2010

Some good news for once

This from today's Hotnews...a little good news for a change: Two of the babies burnt in the Giulesti maternity ward tragedy will be discharged de A.C. Miercuri, 15 septembrie 2010, 11:01 English | Top News Radu Marian and Stefan Marin, two...
14 septembre 2010

Bogdan Marinescu

Bogdan Marinescu
(Photo: Cotidianul ) Apart from knowing that Bogdan Marinescu is the director of Giulesti Maternity Hospital, is being represented by prolific lawyer Marian Nazat and is still free 'while investigations continue' even if he is one of those majorly responsible...
12 septembre 2010

Another tiny victim of Giulesti dies this morning

One more of the surviving six babies fighting for their lives after the fire at Giulesti twenty seven days ago left them severely burnt and on life-support died this morning at G.Alexandrescu Hospital, says Ziare, bringing the total number of new-born...
11 septembre 2010

Looking to the future knowing one cannot forget the past...

Looking to the future knowing one cannot forget the past...
It is already nine years and yet it seems like only yesterday. We all remember where we were, what we were doing when the news of the terrorist attack on the World Trade Centre in New York City rocked the world. Its legacy was two-fold: a coming together...
10 septembre 2010

They saw it coming!

They saw it coming!
Incredible...only in Roumania! This from The Telegraph... Romania attempts to tax witches and fortune tellers Proposals to tax witches and fortune tellers in Romania were voted down by senators. Published: 12:33PM BST 09 Sep 2010 Photo: GETTY IMAGES The...
9 septembre 2010

Justice and hypocrisy

People continue to leave their comments and fight Florentina's corner. This one is from the site Juridice and concerning an article written on 2nd September. Lucky Star says: "dpdv juridic, arestarea asistentei este o aberatie. In conditiile in care ea...
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Sarah in Romania
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