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Sarah in Romania

12 décembre 2010

Ode to the country of my heart (and other things)

Ode to the country of my heart (and other things)
I got back to Paris yesterday with a heavy heart, firstly for leaving so many dear and loved friends behind and secondly for the situation (both economic and political) in the country of my heart. I had such a wonderful time. How marvellous to see everyone,...
6 décembre 2010

Jolly old Saint Nicholas!

Jolly old Saint Nicholas!
For 16 centuries, tradition has it that Saint Nicholas crossed the globe last night, leaving presents for all those who have done good deeds throughout the year. Children (young and old, big and small!) polish their boots on the evening of December 5th,...
5 décembre 2010

Back to Bucharest!

Back to Bucharest!
(left: the Bucegi mountains under cloud - old pix so no snow here. Please use your imagination - white, Christmas card effect, fairyland at the end of my nose) Ooooooooooooooh, how lovely it is to be back! No time yet to walk the streets I love so much...
5 décembre 2010

Ninge la Brasov!

Ninge la Brasov!
ZAPADA de Tudor Arghezi Fulg limpede si pur,Te-astept sa te scobori,Petala de pe floriSadite în azur. Azurul se încheagaSa faca iernii salba.E-o truda-n bolta-ntreagaSa-ti faca finta alba. Dar ajungînd la noi,Cu steaua si cu luna,Tu treci întotdeaunaSi...
2 décembre 2010

The tragedy of Dr Pesamosca

The tragedy of Dr Pesamosca
Prof. Dr. Pesamosca's tragedy: The great surgeon who saved thousands of lives, forgotten in a small hospital room He saved lives but the world has repaid him with forgetfulness. One of Romania's most prominent doctors is living in isolation, in a room...
1 décembre 2010

92 years - Happy Birthday, Roumania!!!

92 years - Happy Birthday, Roumania!!!
La multi ani, Romania!
30 novembre 2010

O colectie de Brancusi scoasa la licitatie la Paris, insa statul roman se vaita ca nu are bani sa cumpere

 O colectie de Brancusi scoasa la licitatie la Paris, insa statul roman se vaita ca nu are bani sa cumpere
Vaaaaaai..... Ce rusine... Brancusi collection auctioned in Paris, but Romanian state says doesn't have money to buy Bucharest Herald An embarrassing situation for the Romanian state. A collection of works and personal items Constantin Brancusi left to...
27 novembre 2010

"Bucureştiul are monumentele pe care le merită..."

"Bucureştiul are monumentele pe care le merită..."
(Photo: Source) So, it will finally happen on the country's national holiday. Don't the Primaria Municipiului Bucuresti (PMB) or the Ministerul Culturii si Cultelor (MCC) realise how shabbily they have treated the memory of the Croatian sculptor Ivan...
27 novembre 2010

A mayor's job?

A mayor's job?
(Photo source) Of course THIS is old news now and I am doing nothing more than flogging a dead horse, but I have to say that this whole Lahovary-Vanghelie outrage has simply eaten me alive. Hmmm... I look at the last sentence where I have typed Lahovary-Vanghelie...
26 novembre 2010

Perle de intelepciune vangheliasca

Perle de intelepciune vangheliasca
From Bucuresti-News below. You could not have come up with such gems even if you'd spent hours trying. When the mayor of Sector 5 opens his mouth he tries to exploit all vocabulary he has heard with no idea how to actually use it... I give you Marian...
25 novembre 2010

Lahovary remains thrown aside for Vanghelie family tomb...

Lahovary remains thrown aside for Vanghelie family tomb...
This is such an outrage I can hardly believe what I am reading... "The old remains were thrown away". Surely not. The remains of the Lahovary family as old and respected as the foaie verde tossed aside onto the scrapheap so Vanghelie could lay his family...
22 novembre 2010

Roumanian crook jailed in UK for benefit fraud while living life of luxury back home

Roumanian crook jailed in UK for benefit fraud while living life of luxury back home
This is one of thousands and I don't know why everyone is so surprised. It's what they do. They have turned ripping off the social security into a profession. Wakey, wakey Western Europe to how 'they' get rich fast (and I'm saying 'they' so I don't get...
22 novembre 2010

From Adevarul - a relief for historic findings

From Adevarul - a relief for historic findings
From Adevarul Descoperirile arheologice schimbă proiectul parcării de la Universitate Dorin Irimia, Aura Clara Marinescu Vineri 19 nov 2010 Descoperirile arheologice schimbă proiectul parcării de la Universitate La prima impresie, se pare că lucrările...
22 novembre 2010

Roxana's final act

I am so terribly sad to read this evening of Roxana Briban's suicide. The talented soprano was found by her husband yesterday and impossible to revive. Reports say she had suffered from depression since being fired from the National Opera last year after...
21 novembre 2010

The contradictions of communism

The contradictions of communism
Mishwoo left the most insightful and accurate quotation (his own) entitled 'The Contradictions of Communism' on my wall today. I would like to share it with you this Sunday morning: "The Contradictions of Communism: Although work is inefficient, things...
20 novembre 2010

The evocations of Magdalena Radulescu

The evocations of Magdalena Radulescu
Magdalena Radulescu (1902 - 1983) studied art in Munich and Paris. At the age of 24, she married the renowned Italian artist, Massimo Campigli (1895-1971). The two artists worked and travelled throughout Europe, primarily residing in Italy, Romania and...
19 novembre 2010

Discoveries at Pta Universitatii

Discoveries at Pta Universitatii
So, if, for example, mosaics or some other kind of archaeological treasure was to be unearthed during the 'digging' at the site of the future so-called underground carpark, the project would continue anyway??! City Hall Investment Department's head, Bogdan...
19 novembre 2010

A little Florentina Cirstea news

A little Florentina Cirstea news
Dear All, Nothing much to report from the papers today as far as I can see but I am late on the uptake sharing THIS article with you from Lumea Justitiei re: the fire at Giulesti. Nothing really new concerning our Florentina, the unfortunate nurse who...
17 novembre 2010

Excellent interview with George Friedman, Hotnews

Excellent interview with George Friedman, Hotnews
THIS is an excellent interview from Anne-Marie Blajan at Hotnews with George Friedman, founder and CEO of Stratfor. Please click HERE for the videos in English. The long and the short of his wise and clear reasoning is that the EU and NATO do not ensure...
15 novembre 2010

Articol despre caracterul adevarat al lui A.Paunescu.

În jurul lui mereu neruşinarea ... Motto: Şi nu veţi curăţa cu laudele voastre calpe Sângele negru al poetului-curtean Am simţit totdeauna că moartea unui om de caracter – prin structura şi opera sa, pe deasupra, şi poet – este un moment de maximă tristeţe,...
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Sarah in Romania
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