Hristos a înviat! Simplicity, passion and joy!
(Image source: Viorica Ana Farkas)
Hristos a înviat! Paste fericit tuturor alaturi de cei dragi!
What better day for a post bursting with joy than this? I have always adored Naïve Art, particularly from Romania. This post is therefore dedicated to all those who love it too, along with the artists who have filled and continue to fill our hearts with such energy and unbridled exuberance.
According to Wikipedia, Naïve art is often characterised by a childlike simplicity in subject matter and technique. While many naïve artists appear to have little or no formal art training, this is not always true. It may well have been accurate before the twentieth century, but today, there are academies for Naïve art all over the world and it is now recognised as a genre in its own right, represented in galleries and museums across the globe. Being neither artist nor art critic, I do not wish to get bogged down with debates and jargon. Far better to share some of my favourite artists and their works with you. The technicalities are really not important, but the results, however, are simply glorious!
(Photo source) My first choice is Gheorghe Ciobanu, born in Baltati, in April 1944. For Gheorghe Ciobanu, creating is quite simply a part of who he is. He is an autodidact with an innate talent fed with the beauty of the places in which he grew up - a magical environment where time takes on a whole different dimension. Perhaps if he had studied at an academy, he would have lost his natural ingenuity so specific to his work. For Mr. Ciobanu "painting is a chance to show God".
(Primavara in copac) His debut in the local art community came in 1979 when he presented his first works at the Army House in Ploiesti. Spotted by critics, he was invited to other similar events. Outside Romania, he held his first exhibition in Limoges, France in 1996. Switzerland, Germany and Austria then followed. Everywhere he went, both he and his works brought admiration. Collectors were quick to enrich their collections with his beautiful tableaux that can now be found in USA, Canada, Austria, France, Italy and Germany.
(Margine in sat) "God has put so much beauty in this world to enjoy that there shouldn’t be sadness, worry or meanness", he says. "Of course, life has its limitations and challenges, but we have to make time to open our eyes and take in the beauty of the world, the perfection of God’s creation. “Be happy! Love each other!” Christ told us, but many of us live encompassed by hate and anger. We need so little to be happy! When I sit on my knees and paint, I pray to God to give me a little beauty to put in my paintings from all that he has created. And when the painting starts to take shape under my brush, I feel such joy that it heals me of all problems and makes me happy. And I know it all comes from God!"
How can one not love him?!
(Image source) My next favourite is Mihai Dascalu from Oradea, Bihor. Born on 1st May, 1960, Mihai is an engineer by profession and works at the Bihor County Offices as a civil servant by day. He also has an MA in Law and Public Administration.
His first exhibition was held in Resita in 1984 and since then there has been a whirlwind of events in France, Italy, Portugal, Israel, Estonia, Canada and the US to name but a few, as well as endless exhibitions at home in Romania.
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(La ciuperci) Born in the countryside, he loves the mountains, the forests, fishing and mushroom picking - all of which are very present in his beautiful, honest artwork.
A prolific prize-winner of an array of awards, Mihai is well-published both as an artist and an author, his books including "Adventures in Naive Island" and "Under the umbrella of Naive art" in partnership with Gustav Hlinka and Costel Iftinchi.
For more of his inspiring paintings, please see HERE and HERE.
Next on my list of favourite Naïve painters come Doina and Gustav Hlinka. I can only imagine how marvellously bright and colourful their home must be, if their personalities are anything like their paintings!
(Image source) I can't find much online pertaining to a biography for Doina Marita Hlinka (if anyone out there can tell me more, please leave a comment below this post!), born in Maglavit, Dolj in 1961. However, her Facebook page info states that she studied at Liceul de Matematica-Fizica in Resita and today works at the town's municipal library where she held her first solo exhibition in 1990.
For such a delightful artist, it is a pity there is no personal website for us to revel in. I adore her sense of fun and perspective. Enchanting!
Doina Hlinka's exhibitions are largely in Romania, though she has had several abroad in France, Hungary and Austria. Her works have been bought by collectors in France, Germany, Austria as well as at home in Romania. She has won a variety of awards in Iasi, Pitesti, Bacau and Timisoara.
For more of Doina Hlinka's wonderfully uplifting paintings, please see HERE.
(Image source) Her husband, Gustav Ioan Hlinka, is more widely known and can be found all over the net. Just as well, for if he were as modest as his wife, we'd have suffered a double loss!
Born in Steirdorf-Anina, Caras-Severin in 1947, his talent for art and design was remarked upon by an astute art teacher at school. Between 1969-72, he studied at the School of Art in Resita where he showed particular talent for landscapes, graphics, watercolour, naïve painting and modern art.
He began his artistic career in 1971 and had his first major solo exhibition in Resita in 1980. Since then, he has exhibited all over Romania as well as Germany, Austria and France.
(Colonia Ciuperceni) His works are overflowing with the 'merry-tragic' tradition so typical of this genre, and focus, for the most part, on Banat mountain and village life. Many can be seen in the Museum of Naïve Art in Pitesti, Forchtenstein Castle House Europe, The Karl Brunner Museum in Austria, The Banat Mountain Museum in Resita and others besides.
Gustav Hlinka has always been an extremely active member of cultural associations and foundations including The Romanian Numismatic Society, The Philatelic Association of Caras-Severin and The County Association of Amateur Artists (1976-1988). He was a founder member of the Nicolae Popescu Circle in Resita (1988) and was vice president from 1991-1995. In addition, he is member of the Universal Naïve Art Foundation, has been President of The Ethnic German Painters Group of Resita since 1996 and is a founder member and vice president of the Vintilă Arplana Naïve Art Foundation. Uff! What a busy chap!
Gustav Hlinka has won a vast array of prestigious honours and awards including the Eminescu title of Knight of the Order of Culture in 2006.
(Image source) Finally, I'd like to present Viorica Ana Farkas. I fell upon her totally par hazard on my Facebook newsfeed the other day (just in time for Easter!) - and what a happy discovery it was! Her work is so utterly sparkling that it really does blow the cobwebs away, bringing the sun right in to kiss your nose!
Born on 27th February, 1950, Viorica Farkas is a mathematics professor (BSc from the University of Timisoara and a post-grad from the Eotvos Lorandh Academy in Budapest) who grew up in Timisoara. Today, she lives in Resita.
Between 1960-9, she attended painting classes at the Falusy Zoltan Studio and recently studied Naïve Art under Gustav Hlinka (2007-8). She is a member of the "Art Cultural Resita" Democratic Forum of Germans in Caras-Severin.