oprescu's latest illegal massacre: str. Haralambie Botescu 18 - Încă o clădire istorică la pământ...
(Photo source) sorin oprescu, Bucharest's grotesquely corrupt and incompetent mayor, ploughs on in his frenzied, hell-bent determination to destroy the city's patrimony where Ceausescu left off. Those who care and grieve these losses at his hands are a tragic, shameful minority seen as nutty eccentrics standing against progress and modernity. Doubtless, if there were to be an election tomorrow, oprescu and all those others intent on eradicating the Bucharest we know and love would win again. And again. And again and again and again. Today's Romania is sadly made up of a majority of mitocani and I feel desperately sorry, as always, for the minority I mention often. Voting is carried out with unrelenting mirror psychology - criminals vote for criminals, thieves for thieves and imbeciles for imbeciles.
(Photo source) Str. Haralambie Botescu nr. 18 which is part of Romania's Architectural Patrimony and in a 'protected zone' (nr. 02 - Calea Griviţei) is being completely and ILLEGALLY demolished RIGHT NOW to make way for the continuation of Diametrala Buzesti-Berzei-Uranus - easy to do at the weekend when there's no one around to stop it, under the noses of a city that doesn't give a damn. No need to add that the demolition is underway without any signs or indications of a 'chantier' - legal requirements. Legal? oprescu? Huh!
According to Hotnews, a police team from sector 3 eventually showed up at the scene once most of the 'work' was pretty much finished, remarking that authorisation had been given.
Built in the late 19th century by architect Ion Socolescu in a wonderfully eclectic style which combined classic with early neo-Romanesc, the features of Ottoman influence are, or rather, were stunning. The house featured on the 1911 architectural plans of Bucharest under the name "Moștenitorii Caliopi Dumitrescu". The original owner of the building was certainly Caliopi Dumitrescu considering the initials C.D visible on the house.
(Photo source) In 2011, the courts FORBADE PMB's plans to demolish Haralambie Botescu 18 - a decision which was final and not open to appeal.
THIS from Romania Libera published in 2011:
'Curtea de Apel Bucureşti a suspendat, în 30 iunie, definitiv şi irevocabil, autorizaţiile de desfiinţare emise de primarul municipiului Bucureşti pentru 38 de clădiri, în condiţiile în care municipalitatea a demolat deja 36 dintre ele, informează organizaţia Salvaţi Bucureştiul într-un comunicat, potrivit NewsIn.
Din cele 38 de clădiri, 17 imobile erau situate pe segmentul Mircea Vulcănescu - Dinicu Golescu şi 21 de clădiri pe segmentul Calea Griviţei - Mircea Vulcănescu.
Au rămas în picioare clădirile din str. Haralambie Botescu nr. 18 şi str. Cameliei nr. 20. Decizia Curţii de Apel Bucureşti împiedică Primăria să le demoleze şi pe acestea, susţine organizaţia non-guvernamentală. Acesta este al şaselea proces pierdut de Primăria Capitalei pe subiectul Buzeşti-Berzei, arată organizaţia Salvaţi Bucureştiul.'
(Photo source) But, as always, oprescu has ridden rough-shod over the law which is made for little people after all, not megalomaniacs like him, and done the deed anyway.
There is no appropriate adjective to express the heart-ache, the nausea, the revulsion that such a sight causes those precious few still fighting tooth and nail to save the city they love from oprescu's psychopathic massacring. No matter how many times he and the PMB are dragged through the courts and found guilty of illegal demolition, he keeps right on going, ripping the heart out of the city, hacking up its arteries, mangling its organs and bludgeoning the breath out of it in any way he deems fit.
For those who don't give a flying crap, this building counts for nothing. Why keep it? What good does it serve? For those who care, it is a jewel with a soul, a past and a future. Or was.
I simply cannot write anymore...
For more, see Istorioare Bucurestene, Observatorul Urban Bucuresti, Hotnews, Buna dimineata, Bucuresti and Ziare.
My thanks to Doina Vella for her kind permission to publish her photographs and to Silvia Colfescu for sharing her knowledge of the house's history with me.