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Sarah in Romania
9 juillet 2013

Injustice continues at Giulesti: Florentina condemned...

florentina1(Photo source) Over? Finished? You're kidding. We truly believed this had been put to bed, and that Florentina would be left alone to put her life back together again after it was destroyed by the tragedy which took the lives of six babies, injured five, and left her the scapegoat and whipping boy of a disaster that was neither her fault nor her responsibility. But no. 

Today, Florentina was condemned to two years and two months in jail. The technical service chief, Gigel Oprea, was sentenced to two years (is that ALL?!?) and the electrician Vasile Dima who mysteriously came by a cancer diagnosis in 2011 conveniently letting him off the hook back then has also been sentenced - to a suspended two years and eight months. Ioan Adrian Toma, chief of Neontology, was found guilty of negligence but acquitted. Bogdan Marinescu (the hospital manager) however - the TRUE criminal in all this along with Atila, Boc and all the other cronies in government at the time - was fined a miserly 6500 lei and also acquitted by the judge. Florentina must also pay between 50,000- 350,000 euros to the families of the victims, representing moral and material damages.

Florentina's crime? Leaving the room for 12 minutes during a long 12h shift in which she was alone to take care of 11 newborns on high dependency - in a hospital department with NO smoke detectors and an old and dodgy electrical installation. She was not responsible for the staff shortages, the bad scheduling, the lack of a crystal ball nor the NINE year old aircon system that hadn't been overhauled in all that time

The decision is not final and can be appealed - the final judgment could take another year. Let's hope it does and that justice will prevail, though from the start, it has been clear that Florentina is to be the ţapul ispăşitor. I do not know who Florentina now has for a lawyer but I hope he/she is a good one.

What a banana republic this country is. Florentina Carstea is being bashed because of two deeply rotten systems: health and justice - two basic human rights that are all but alive and well in Romania. It is far easier, isn't it, to blame someone like Florentina, than to address the problem at its root and then go after those who are responsible for it. Why bother. Just put an elastoplast on a wooden leg and merge si asa...


For more on the tragedy, Florentina, the irregularities of justice (or rather, the alarming regularities of injustice) and the whole dreadful affair from the very beginning, see DREPTATE PENTRU FLORENTINA. See also HERE, HERE, HERE and HERE.


Sarah in Romania
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