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Sarah in Romania
26 juin 2012

Who is Dr Bradisteanu and why he deserves porridge

bradisteanu(Photo source: Bradisteanu measuring with both hands just how much he is prepared to lie, I guess) In comparison to Dr Bradisteanu, Adrian Nastase doesn't seem so bad, really.... I am appalled (and amazed) by the absurd 'we support Bradisteanu' I have seen today on Facebook, hence this blogpost.... For goodness sake, don't people realise who he is?

Bradisteanu, a PSD senator between 2000-2004, may indeed be an excellent cardio-surgeon (however take a look at THIS article which questions how he got such a position at Floreasca as well as his medical ability) but he has been implicated in several cases whereby well-known figures have been kept out of jail (or had time out of their cells) despite his position in the DNA. Bradisteanu became the doctor of Constantin Nicolescu (CJ Arges) only one day after the court ruled on Nicolescu's preventive 29-day arrest. Nicolescu was sent to Bucharest and transported by ambulance to Floreasca hospital. The diagnoses were constantly changed from severe cardiac stenosis to fainting to CVA (stroke). He was also the surgeon who treated Cristi Borcea, the businessman caught up in the 10 million dollar corruption scandal known as Transferurilor involving Gheorghe Copos, Ioan Becali, Victor Becali, Mihai Stoica, Jean Pădureanu, Gheorghe Popescu and Gheorghe Neţoiu.

In 2010, Mihai Chiţac, sentenced to 15 years in prison, managed to get out of jail for four months on medical grounds. Guess who his doctor was. Yup. You got it.

So you see, Nastase, transferred this evening from Floreasca to Rahova prison, certainly is not the first and won't be the last until Bradisteanu is stopped.

The first doctor in Romania to have performed a heart transplant in 1999, Bradisteanu is today chief of cardiac and vascular surgery at Floreasca Hospital where Nastase spent a peaceful time in ITU - doctor's orders.

This man has the morality of a shark and is not at all bothered by the idea of abusing his position as trusted surgeon and chief of department to make money. Surgeon? No. Business man.

Here begins the jaw-dropping corruption scandal: In his capacity as the hospital's chief of cardiac and vascular surgery, he was able to 'buy' very costly equipment with public money. "That's a good thing though, isn't it?" I expect you're asking... Hmmm... Between 2001-2002 as president of a commission to evaluate various bids submitted by medical equipment companies, Bradisteanu decided during an auction organised by the minister of justice to purchase for prison hospitals as well as for the Constantin Angelescu hospital. Circumnavigating the whole usual procedure, he favoured CC MED AG-Elvetia and BIOMEDICA Gmbh-Austria, giving them both the contract for delivery of the afore-mentioned equipment, causing a real prejudice to the national administration of penitentiaries in the amount if 9,169,606 euros... ufff!!!

In exchange, Bradisteanu's offshore company Arnell Development Ltd in the British Virgin Islands benefited from the princely sums of 500,000 US$ and 3,594,333 euros - bribery money for his contribution on the evaluation commission at the auction. See more evidence of his spending HERE.

Originally found not guilty after a somewhat hallucinating trial, the file has since been reopened (see HERE) and Bradisteanu has been ordered to pay damages to the amount of 9.2 million euros by the justice department. In addition, there is a call for the sequestering of his properties considered illegally obtained, pertaining to a studio on Piaţa Victoriei evaluated at 62,000 euros, a villa at Izvorani worth 425,000 euros and an apartment building in the centre of Bucharest worth 1,100,000 euro.  The case is scheduled for re-examination on 7th July 2012. For more on that along with other very interesting information, please see this article from Adevarul.

bradi(Photo source) Today, there are 'suspicions' regarding the doctor's diagnosis of Nastase, says Codruta Kovesi, the country's general prosecutor. Yeah, right! See HERE should you be in any doubt. The first conclusion, she said, was that there had indeed been a suicide attempt (that still remains to be seen) but there are other suspicions regarding the three different diagnoses given by doctors treating Nastase. Bradisteanu and three policemen are now under investigation.


and thank you for commenting, too :)
Great article Sarah! <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> Cat de sfidator privea A Nastase din varful targii noaptea trecuta... Cata destrabalare politica si debilism deontologic s-au revarsat in aceste doua luni de guvernare a "celui mai cinstit guvern" Cata lehamite si scarba s-a strans in unii dintre noi. Cata indarjire de a merge mai departe, pe drumul plin de spini, tradarre, coruptie, prostie, minciuna, nepasare si lacomie, hraneste cu nesat pe cei mai puternici dintre noi, spre norocul si beneficiul poporului. Pe de alta parte, cata naivitate si rea credinta sunt afisate si traite la extrem de catre o prea mare parte a romanilor! <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> Daca nu o sa votam cu dreapta, daca nu alegem rasplata doar in urma a ceea ce putem dovedi si daca o sa asteptam in continuare sa ne 9rezolve altii problemele, o sa ne trezim in mai putin de un an in gura unor monstri nascuti si hraniti de somnul nostru nesabuit.
Asa cum scrie Sarah in blogul de mai sus, Bradisteanu a fost un individ rapace, dornic de imbogatire si a reusit acest lucru. Nu stiu daca contul lui din Virgin Islands va fi accesibil, dar statul roman trebuie sa fie despagubit. Desigur vilele acumulate trebuie si ele vandute, asa cum s-a procedat aici cu vilele, yachurile si obiectele personale ale lui Madoff. Sper ca cel putin o treime din ce a jefuit statul roman sa poata fi recuperat. Pana una alta sunt socata ca pe internet exista o petitie de sprijin pentru acest escroc, "doctorul inimilor". Oamenii nau nu citesc cat a furat individul sau au amnezie.
Nu spui nimic nou. Citim si noi ziarele
Bradisteanu s-a condamnat singur, DNA interceptandu-i o convorbire pe mobil in care brava relatand familiei lui Nastase ca acesta este in afara oricarei primejdii - in contrast cu declaratia publica...<br /> <br /> Este vremea prostilor - unelte bune de manipulat - care, ajutati, strang averi paradoxale...inafara regulilor pietei libere...<br /> <br /> Sunt personaje arhicunoscute, de carton, care fac parte din...banalitatea raului...
Sarah in Romania
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