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Sarah in Romania
3 mars 2012

ALERT!!!! Demolition begins at Hala Matache....?

mon historic(Photo source: Observatorul Urban) Very troubling news just in from the Matake cause site on Facebook (see also Arhi Forum HERE) - it appears, as reported by architect Raluca Munteanu, that demolition of Hala Matache began early this morning, perhaps even during the night. Two holes have been made on the south side which could lead to the collapse of the rest of the building at any moment. It's not exactly clear WHO is responsible for this (owners: PMB) since they vanished when cameras appeared to photograph what was going on.

It's possible that the damage has been done in the name of recuperating materials. The Piata Matache site promises to keep us up to date with news.

If you are in Bucharest with time to spare, please GO to Hala Matache and take as many photos as possible. Share them HERE, HERE and on as many sites as you can so everyone is able to see this shameful and illegal act of destruction.

Here is the message read this morning:

Tentativa de demolare a Halei Matache, astazi dimineata, 3 martie 2012

Via arh. Raluca Munteanu: "Se pare ca in dimineata asta primaria a inceput demolarea Halei Matache! Pe latura de sud au facut 2 gauri in zidarie de cca 2m latime, care pot duce oricand la prabusirea coltului. Totusi, nu e clar cine sunt cei care au facut asta - pt ca au disparut de la fata locului cind au aparut cei cu aparate de fotografiat!"
Se pare ca e vorba, mai exact, de recuperatorii de materiale, care au "liber la demolare" din partea primariei (care e proprietarul cladirii), si care continua, tot mai agravant, demolarea pe bucatele a monumentului. Va tinem la curent! Cei care au timp si sunt interesti, va rugam sa treceti pe la Matache si sa faceti poze, si sa le postati aici, la cauza Matake. Multumim!

14h30: Further news via Facebook:

"The situation stands as follows: Oprescu has been in negotiation with civic organisations and architects to consolidate the hall (and others). As of today, the case of Hala Matache is more critical than ever - the hall has become a ruin through neglect (and obedience by certain members of the 'community' to the hall's owners) and no other solution remains than to start proceedings against the Mayor for failure to comply with the law concerning historic monuments (under which, he is obliged to keep it in perfect condition). It would be necessary 1) to have someone from Bucharest to administer this issue (both at a tribunal and the organisation of security guards etc); 2) to raise funds for costs incurred, ie. compensation costs, a project administrator, lawyer and a salary for the afore-mentioned security guards."

When one considers that in MOST capital cities across Europe, one wouldn't even be having this conversation, for civilised populations are greatly concerned by the preservation of their history and heritage, we arrive once again at the sad conclusion that officials in Romania have one objective - to deny its people the pride of their past, to eradicate sites and monuments of architectural and historical value - and to profit from every single demolition carried out for their own ends. This underlines also the perpetual lies, misinformation and intention to mislead the Romanian people at every turn. They refuse to abide by laws and legislation and refuse to respect their compatriots.

For recent news in the press before the above alert, see HERE (Ro.Lib, 21/02/2012), HERE (Piata Matache info site), HERE (Sarah In Romania 8/11/2011), HERE (Video by Camelia Csiki - TVR, November 2011) and HERE (EVZ 21/02/2012).

Sarah in Romania
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