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Sarah in Romania
22 janvier 2012

Point of View: "The difference between PSD and PDL is securitate officers."

guvern-romaniaFollowing a comment on yesterday's blogpost, Corina Grigorica answers the question:

"Why is it seen as shameful to make an alliance with PSD but not with a party that included Virgil Magreanu (PD)?"

Immediately after the revolution, the Romanian Communist Party (PCR) did an about turn and called itself FSN (The Front of National Salvation). At first, Iliescu, head of this formation, said they were going to organize free elections WITHOUT PARTICIPATING. At the same time, PNl and PNT (survivors of parties pre-communist who were almost all sentenced to jail and death) reappeared. After a month, Iliescu announced that FSN was a bona fide party and would participate in the elections. It was January 1990 and the biggest demonstration against Iliescu took place. The second day, he and all party members (now FSN instead of PCR) - especially those in factories - mobilized workers against the protesters, accusing them of  "Stealing the Revolution". There was violence on the streets and sinister slogans: "Death to intellectuals" and "We work, we don't think" (which was true and now would make me laugh if only those decerebrated workers along with securitate members hadn't brutalised people).

FSN won the elections in spite of the protests at Piata Universitati. And then the miners came....
In 1992, FSN split. Some young ones, lead by Petre Roman, Basescu and Berceanu made a new party - Partidul Democrat (PD). It was a small party even compared to PNL or PNT (National Peasants' Party), but they were young, tough, ready to do anything to take over and almost all of them were securitate officers, as I found out later, except for Petre Roman. He didn't need to be as his father was a well-known party member and belonged to the highest level of nomenclatura (Petre Roman's father was jewish and also the youngest general to fight in Spain against Franco). Cultured and open-minded, he was a man who understood democracy but was not taken very seriously by  anyone. In 2003, Basescu managed to undermine him, banning him from the leadership of the party only a few weeks after he had told him, "Petre, you are the best!" (You may find this expression in political 'folklore' as an equivalent to Judas's actions and words, ie. betrayal).

From 2003,  they made alliances with everybody to get to power- PSD and PNL+PNT. They also began to swallow small parties to increase their members and force organisations into their territory. One of these parties was lead by Virgil Magureanu, the former chief of SRI - Serviciul Roman de Informatii - a kind of FBI. His party had already gobbled up other small parties, but Magureanu brought his own men - people from the former Securitate, active or former officers, well-trained in diversion, torture etc. Magureanu's party was absorbed by PD in 2001 - a year which saw a party full of securitate officers. The communist activists and/or their children remain in today's PSD close to Iliescu. 

So to resume - activists of the communist party are mainly and massively in PSD and securitate officers (active or retired ) are in PDL (the L comes from the Liberals who left PNL to join PD). We should have realized what would happen immediatedly after Basescu became president, for he nominated a prefect of Bucharest - a certain Silvian Ionescu, "former" securitate officer.
After 2 days, he had to revoke Ionescu as all the press turned against him, but he nominated him in a ministry instead so he is still paid by our taxes! We should have realised THEN who Basescu was. Almost all his bosses and friends from Securitate are leaders of different agencies or leaders of organisations in Romania. His party also has numerous Securitate informers but somehow the press has ignored them and concentrated on 2-3 people from PNL when in PDL there are dozens!
Even if one loathes PSD, one should be MUCH more afraid of PD. It is easier to deal with party activists than securitate officers. It's not an ideal situation - far from it - but I don't see any other. We HAVE TO take a decision. Even if it stinks. The only difference between PSD and PDL is securitate officers.
By Corina Grigorica.
Over to you!
As a parting shot I would like to share a dose of common sense. Please see this extract below from Eurotopics or HERE for the original link (Bulgarian) written by Maria Dermendzhieva:
Glasove - Bulgaria
Demonstrators without a vision

The week-long protests in Romania against President Traian Băsescu and the government's austerity policy will come to nothing as long as they are based only on hatred and anger, writes the online paper Glasove: "At the start of the protest some observers spoke hopefully of revolution of civil society, even a 'new revolution'. The good news is that the people have gone out on the streets to show their dissatisfaction, and that they have stuck it out for so long in the cold. They have hope. But there's got to be more to a 'new revolution' than just be a change of government. ... It's silly to wait for the deus ex machina that will save the nation. The Romanians must take the fate of their country into their own hands, and produce a new leadership that will change the system. ... It's time the voice of reason drowned out the helpless cries of hatred and rejection." (19/01/2012)
Penibil comentariul inflamat al doamnei Zoe Petre. Ca si mistificarea careia i se deda de ani buni. Colportind zvonuri, reproducind afirmatii scoase din context, domnia sa isi recita partitura in stilul propagandistului de partid care a studiat si preluat metodele lui Goebbels. De vreme ce se arata atit de interesata de biografii, imi permit si eu sa ofer citeva elemente biografice legate de doamna Petre. “Fiica academnicianului Emil Condurachi, cunoscut ca apropiat al conducerii de partid si de stat a RSR (si a RPR) si al organelor de Securitate. Doamna Petre-Condurachi a fost secretara de partid in cadrul Facultatii de istorie a Universitatii Bucuresti, inainte de 1989. “ / QED. Succes, Sarah, cu asemenea contribuitori care ne dau lectii, desi le lipseste autoritatea morala!
In Adevarul de ieri, RC Cristea publica un excelent editorial care raspunde temei de aici: Unu şi cu unu fac zero?<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> 25 ian 2012<br /> <br /> Pretorienii agresivi de gardă la preşedintele Băsescu, elitele fidele aceluiaşi, dar parţial camuflate de discursuri în doi peri, în fine, hominizii neanderthalieni din presă se năpustesc, adeseori paralel cu subiectul tratat, asupra liderilor Opoziţiei Crin Antonescu şi Victor Ponta.<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> Pare să fie un ritual taumaturgic: sus-numiţii simt că practică scrisul protejat doar după alungarea celor două duhuri rele. În balanţă cu Traian Băsescu, Antonescu şi Ponta întruchipează alternativa îngrozitoare, aşa că peste ei sunt prăvălite abominabile calificative dotate cu un unic fir director: dacă ţara va intra pe mâinile acestui tandem, românii se pot pregăti de apocalipsă. Am avut şi am destule îngândurări legate de diverse episoade ale acţiunii politice întreprinse de vârfurile USL.<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> Socotesc şi acum că, în special în scenariile articulate în ultimele zile, Antonescu şi Ponta mizează pe prea multe imponderale. Pe de altă parte, intrând şi eu, precum curtenii de la Cotroceni, în jocul paralelismelor Băsescu vs. Antonescu & Ponta, mă întreb ce anume îl propulsează pe şeful statului ca astru salutar pe cerul naţiunii şi, în acelaşi timp, îi împinge pe capii Opoziţiei spre periferiile regnului animal? Au colaborat Antonescu şi Ponta cu Securitatea, aşa cum a făcut Băsescu? Nu. Au declarat Antonescu şi Ponta, ca Băsescu, că „dacă N. Ceauşescu stătea numai zece ani era un mare preşedinte în istoria românilor"? Nu. Au fost Antonescu şi Ponta nişte îmbogăţiţi ai comunismului de unde Băsescu a ieşit, conform propriei declaraţii, cu conturile burduşite cu 83.000 de dolari? Nu. Au făcut Antonescu şi Ponta, la fel ca Băsescu, bişniţă cu blugi şi ţigări? Nu. Au fost implicaţi Antonescu şi Ponta în „Dosarul Flota" unde doar prin protecţia şefimii PNA şi, apoi, a DNA, a fost amânată trimiterea în instanţă a lui Băsescu pentru abuz în serviciu, fals intelectual, bancrută frauduloasă, spălare de bani, delapidare etc.? Nu. Au fost asociate numele lui Antonescu şi Ponta cu vreo şmecherie imobiliară de pus faţă în faţă cu afacerile dubioase desfăşurate în acelaşi domeniu de Băsescu? Nu. Şi atunci? Cine s-a remarcat de-a lungul carierei publice şi politice prin tot soiul de pacte ticăloase şi de nemernice piraterii? Antonescu şi Ponta sau Băsescu? Alternativa la Băsescu şi la democraţia de faţadă a regimului său autoritarist nu numai că există, dar se şi impune. Cu atât mai mult cu cât retorica preşedintelui la evenimentele în curs scoate la rampă doar acelaşi actoraş belicos şi plin de ifose.
Mr. CR, you forgot a nice and juicy detail: even Mr Ionescu-Quintus, president of honour of the Liberal Party, was a paid securitate informer. Documents are irrefutable, too...
It certainly makes perfect sense... now I'm more confused than ever. What a responsibility choosing between one of them. If one chooses PDL or the opposition, its the same thing in the end... what kind of a democracy is that. Yes, okay, there is choice, you can go and protest in the streets. Yes, that is democracy. But when it comes to the votes and your choice is between ex-nomenklatura and... ex-nomenklatura what are you supposed to do?<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> A new party should be founded - clear and solid manifesto, clear and solid members - for any TRUE democracy to surface from all this. That is what pushed me out into the streets - a demand for transparency, a right to choose more than what we have. New life! With the opposition, we would go back in time, with PDL as it is now we would stay stuck in a stagnant pond. There are enough intelligent, cultured, responsible people who love their country in Romania, so... My other solution would be to keep PDL but change the people in that possible? I am as sure as I can be that PDL is the lesser of two evils, but those running it right now are no good for the country and our future. Change them. Make them go. Leave us a party and let us decide, democratically, who serves us. <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> To CR, i'm horrified too about Lazarescu (I didnt know)... Very informative comment. Thank you.
C.R. left an excellent commentary here and I can bet that he is 100% right.
Sarah in Romania
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