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Sarah in Romania
28 novembre 2011

Nicusor Dan to run for Mayor of Bucharest! Hurrah!

nicusor dan(Photo source) Some very heartening news this evening: Nicusor Dan, the President of the association Salvati Bucurestiul, has declared that he will be running for Mayor in the 2012 elections as an independent and with a budget of zero lei (I love that bit!). Hurrah! The announcement will be made officially on the corners of str.s Pitar Mos and Verona on Tuesday at 12h. During a session at the Consiliului General al Municipiului Bucuresti today, he openly challenged Mayor Sorin Oprescu to a debate concerning Bucharest's development.

Please see the communiqué below:

'Nicusor Dan, presedintele Asociatiei Salvati Bucurestiul, isi lanseaza candidatura la functia de Primar General al Capitalei marti 29 noiembrie de la ora 12 la intersectia strazilor Arthur Verona si Pitar Mos, intr-o regie inedita.

In sedinta Consiliului General al Municipiului Bucuresti de azi, Nicusor Dan l-a provocat pe Sorin Oprescu la o dezbatere pe tema dezvoltarii Bucurestiului.

Nicusor Dan i-a oferit lui Sorin Oprescu volumul Practica judiciara. Protejarea patrimoniului si accesul la justitie al ONG-urilor editat de Asociatia Salvati Bucurestiul, volum care cuprinde si cateva hotarari ale in stantelor in procese castigate de Asociatie cu Primaria Capitalei.'

I have the right to vote for Mayor of Bucharest and I seriously wasn't going to bother. Everyone so far suggested hadn't moved me one iota, except in the direction of anger, incredulity or dread. Now however, as soon as the election date is released, I will book my flight.

This is the very best news I've heard from Bucharest since...well....ever! I am thrilled at the prospect of having someone worth my vote and your's. I am delighted at the idea of voting for a potential mayor who will love and protect Bucharest, who will fight for her preservation against greedy investors and corruption and who is not afraid to drag law-breakers through the courts, no matter who they may be. I would be proud to put my cross next to his name, knowing with all my heart that it is the right choice. 

There is work to be done. Much work. But I am confident that at last, those of us who love Romania's capital can do something more than writing, yelling and wondering what on earth we are going to do to stop the terrible harm done to her history, architecture, patrimony and culture by those abusing their positions of power for so long. We can vote responsibly and truly believe in the man in whose hands we place our faith and the city of Bucharest. 

What a breath of fresh air! Wonderful, wonderful news! Tinem pumnii! The students of the Faculty of History are fighting for the future and sanity of the education system - and now, Nicusor Dan will run for Mayor of Bucharest. It's Christmas come early!

To support Nicusor Dan on Facebook, please see HERE.

He will have a very big fight on his hands - and a dirty one and this worries me since ND is not a dirty player. How will he manage such a 'game'? Oprescu is diploma standard (actually doctorat) but Nicusor?? All the more reason to support, lobby, and do everything we can.<br /> <br /> I am very surprised (unpleasantly) by the reaction of some friends of mine I thought would be thrilled - people concerned about Bucharets, people so destressed about the demolitions, the destructions... and yet, they will vote that foul reptile oprescu. Why? Like most liberals, I guess, they vote the party not the person. Romanian politics? Beyond my comprehension...
Don't understand me wrong: I WILL VOTE NICUSOR finally knowing he is a big chance for us all. Aleit we must not forget that Nicusor is going indeed to fight a very nasty Goliat so he needs our very practical support besides our vote!!Yes, fingers crossed I haven't been interested in elections for 20 years!!!!
It is the first time since i am old enough to vote (I have 54 years!) that I KNOW who I want to win and want it very very much.
Adica ii dai MAT la Apoacynum bolsevicum ? ... pfff !? :) O sa pun mana la ochi sa nu vad cand ii cade proteza pe jos :)...
@valentin: other candidates? they will not be interesting if they are like oprescu, pigoana, paleologu... I vote for Mr Dan. It is a big chance for Bucuresti and I and my wife we are so happy to here this news.<br /> Multumim!
Sarah in Romania
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