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Sarah in Romania
25 novembre 2011

"Is University producing citizens or idiots?" Protest at the Faculty of History


28th November

The symbolic 100h will come to an end, I'm told, at around 22h tonight. The manifesto will be given to the press along with demands made and suggested solutions THIS EVENING at 22h - symbolically at the end of the 100h.

Alexandru says, "IT DOESN'T END HERE! The manifesto is going to circulate among the different faculties in Romania and we hope to receive as much support from other students as possible. Afterwards, we are going to take our demands and our solutions higher up to the board of each faculty and also to the Ministry of Education." Bravo! Excellent and encouraging news. He also assures me that the National Alliance of Student Associations in Romania have given a clear and official statement declaring their full support.

There have been a couple of rumours concerning conflicts amongst the protesters. Ruxandra tells me in response that there have been disputes and separations among the participants but this is to be expected in a diverse ad-hoc group where people have different visions and ideas. On asking about the leftist groups I've been hearing about and mentioned yesterday evening, she said that in her opinion, any 'infiltrators' there may be are not more influential than any other participant, as the debates are completely open and decisions are taken by consensus. A relief to hear because really, I have to say that trying to follow what's going on there from this distance is hard. There is so much conflicting info either in the papers or elsewhere that getting the wrong end of the stick is pretty easy here in Paris...

The protesters have done what very few Romanians do - made a move, broken through the chains of national inertia. They have taken risks. They have stood up to University management and the system, officials, police, security companies and government. They have stood up for their future, their right to normality and they have bravely stood against corruption. They should be proud and they should be all the more sure that, on this track, they should keep going with one goal in mind - that with which they began: their manifesto. They have shown that solidarity IS possible in Romania. We see it once in a blue moon and when we do, our hearts swell. The students of this protest openly condemned small mindedness and uncovered governmental hypocrisy. The very fact that still, Funeriu has not responded and neither has any other minister or member of the government, goes to show how little notice they have given the demands of the students and how unimportant they consider them to be. Like flies to be ignored or swatted. Now the protest has begun and taken a step, may it continue in bigger steps and may experience be gained along the way.

Take a look at Vox Publica (Mihai Gotiu again, who has been a very appreciated minefield of information during this protest) for further insight into what has been going on since yesterday.

27th November

After three days and two nights of sit-ins and debates, the protest movement at the Faculty of History in Bucharest has a manifesto (not yet finalised). A new round of talks is scheduled for this evening from 16h to debate student status, rights and obligations.


Changes are not made with half measures!

November 26th 2011, 'Vasile Parvan' Amphitheatre, Faculty of History

First there was a whisper. Now there is a cry. One did more than sit in an amphitheatre for 100 hours. One tried to revive an idea showing that students still have a say in creating a future for young people and Romanian society as a whole. One does not seek glory or recognition, but hope for a better life. In demanding a normal, modern and European society, we ask:

- 6% of Romania's GDP be allocated to education, as a start for the future, not 1.97% for a generation of hopeless idiots.

- A real adoption of the Bologna system because right now one works with misinterpretation that leads the education system nowhere.

- We wish for justification from the University Rector, Ioan Pânzaru  for his actions that we believe were other than in the interest of the University of Bucharest, calling the police  against students (the 1991 generation was blocked by the miners, we do not want to be blocked by gendarmes!). We realise this was a political agenda, rather than in the interests of an entire generation.

It is short and straight to the point (almost - but the last point, however justified, concerns a person rather than the system - one could argue, on the other hand, that the two are inextricably linked - IMHO).

The claims list (still in progress) can be found in yesterday's update in Romanian.

Although the students, teachers and NGO members at the Faculty of History have been joined by others (some from the Faculty of Art, I think), there is a general feeling of disappointment reported due to a lack of reaction and solidarity from students of other universities throughout the country. Whether or not one agrees with the protest or the demands made these last three days, changes in society can only come from active involvement, not by sitting on the ringside looking passively on.

All above information comes from Mihai Gotiu writing for Vox Publica (please let me know if I misquoted).

17h30: News just read in Adevarul: All members from the National Union of Romanian Students will be joining the protest at the Faculty of History from tomorrow evening at 18h. This looks like a great step in the right direction, bringing numbers and solidarity - and with that, a confidence boost.

Furthermore, UNSR member organisations will hold extensive simultaneous debates in all major academic centers throughout the country.

At the Polytechnic University of Bucharest, Constanta Maritime University and the Universities of Craiova, Iasi, Bacau and Targu Jiu, both students and academics will discuss the financially deficient education system.

Student representatives will also draw attention to how management have tried to bully the movement into obedience. The UNSR supports the action demanding that the education budget be at least 6%.

Hurrah! Great news!!

The Facebook page Istoria se ocupa & se dezbate set up for communication and sharing info on the protest now has 1,233 members - students (past and present), professors, academics and friends... bravo! What is a little disturbing is how certain organisations and groups (extreme left, radical, anarchist, Marxist...) who do NOT represent the students at the University of Bucharest in any way are trying to jump on the band wagon, grabbing the movement for their own ends. To clarify, this SOCIAL protest belongs to CIVIC SOCIETY and NOT to GROUPS out to feed their ambitions. Once again, I repeat: this protest is being fought by the STUDENTS. It is shameful that any organisation would try to manipulate or monopolise it to further their own popularity. Shameful...but typical. 

protest fac

(Photo source)

26th November

The protest continues in Bucharest today at the Faculty of History against the appalling reduction of funding for education (a laughable 2% of GDP in a country that claims education to be 'a national priority') and humiliating conditions for teachers. Protesters are also making larger demands on the structure and aims of University education which they denounce as profit-oriented. Reminiscent of May '68, as Zoe Petre writes in her blog, "they deserve the attention of Romanian society today."

Information I received and reported on yesterday could have been misleading. I was corrected this morning in a comment below by Dr Petre, concerning the calling of police by University management. Dr Petre pointed out that firstly, according to the University Charter, only the Rector has the right to authorise police entry into the University. Another point: the leadership of the Faculty of History is interposed between student protesters and the police. Their role is to impose civility, calm spirits and avoid violence which would explain the students having to sign documents promising no damage would be done to University property. If it turns out to be as reported yesterday - that the University Rector called the police (albeit unhappily) following a threat from Funeriu to fire the Dean, Mr Nistor, if the debate continued, then there is all the more reason for the students to stand fast in their protest and continue the revolt. The real responsibility in all this falls, writes Dr Petre in her blog, to the Minister of Education along with the Government and so far, they have not been affected by this in any way at all. Funeriu is going to HAVE to respond.

Mihai Gotiu writes in Vox Publica that absurd claims were made that only students had the right to participate in the debate held within the academic environment (all the more absurd when one reads that the initial invitation to the debate was not made by students) by the same people who banned the use of photography and filming- all of which became another mobilising factor.

The University management's intention, reports Mihai Gotiu, seems quite clear: to minimise the protest and the calling in of the security firms whilst pretending everything is under control. The Asociatiei Studentilor de la Istoria "Dacia" (the only organisation of the Faculty of History aiming 'to represent students', as it defines itself) released a statement which basically said that yes, everything needs to change, but change will come by itself without actually doing anything - in other words, 'without any risk to us' and 'without exposing ourselves'. Very sad. And very cowardly. So much for representing students. As we all know - and more to the point, as the students and teachers know only too well, change does not come by sitting around doing nothing. Action is required.

The debate will continue at 16h this afternoon with topics to cover as follows (in Romanian, sorry to all non-Romanian readers):

• Educatia trebuie sa reprezinte principala prioritate a statului. Cerem respectarea Pactului National pentru educatie, unde se specifica acordarea a minimum 6% din PIB pentru educatie si a minimum 1% pentru cercetare.
• Cerem alegerea reprezentantilor studentilor pe o perioada de 1 an si 6 luni, cu o perioada de... campanie electorala de 2 saptamani iar votul sa se desfasoare in decurs de o saptamana pe toata durata programului zilnic de curs.
• Dorim participarea studentilor la sedintele Consiliului Facultatii si ale Senatului Universitatii, precum si accesul la programele cu subiectele ce urmeaza a fi dezbatute si la stenogramele sedintelor.
• Vrem reformarea programelor universitare (60% din trunchiul canonic impus de senat, restul de 40%, la alegerea studentului, format din cursuri teoretice sau cu aplicabilitate practica).
• Cerem introducerea admiterii pe baza de examen (proiect, proba practica,etc) pentru toate cele trei forme de invatamant (zi, frecventa redusa, invatamant la distanta).
• Cerem obligativitatea evaluarii profesorilor de catre studenti. Rezultatele acestor evaluari trebuie sa fie publice.
• Universitatea apartine tuturor. Oricine trebuie sa poata participa la evenimentele si cursurile universitatii, nu doar studentii.
• Cerem ca accesul studentilor in Universitate noaptea sa fie permis pe baza de legitimatie sau carnet de student.
• Cerem ca Biblioteca Centrala Universitara sa fie deschisa pe timpul noptii.
• Vrem ca Universitatea sa nu reprezinte un spatiu de discriminare, opresiune, umilire. Trebuie sa se poata problematiza, discuta si descuraja aceste atitudini. Dorim acces la un proces real de rezolvare a acestor probleme, care sa acorde demnitate si protectie partilor implicate.
• Studentii si cadrele didactice sunt parteneri egali in procesul educational.
• Solicitam autoritatilor competente sa cerceteze masurile abuzive luate impotriva persoanelor care au dorit sa participe la dezbaterea publica „Universitatea si rolul ei civic” din data de 24 noiembrie 2011.

Please also see THIS video from Realitatea tonight where Daniela Zaharia tried to explain what happened on Thursday (and some rather silly mutterings from the programme's presenter). Why the protest has been entitled "Ocupai Amfiteatru" by some mediatic channels is beyond me since it does rather minimise the demonstration. It is not about 'occupying'. It is about justifiably defending rights and demanding urgent changes. Or perhaps minimising it was the whole idea...

Si în romaneste:

26 noiembrie 2011

Protestul împotriva reducerii îngrijorătoare a fondurilor alocate pentru învătământ (reprezentând un procent ridicol, de 2%, din PIB – într-o tară care pretinde că educatia este „o prioritate natională”) si a conditiilor umilitoare de lucru ale profesorilor a continuat astăzi la Facultatea de Istorie din Bucuresti. Protestatarii cer, totodată, efectuarea unor schimbări mai importante la nivelul structurii si obiectivelor învătământului universitar, pe care-l consideră ca fiind doar orientat spre profit. O actiune care aminteste de manifestatiile din mai 1968, după cum scrie si doamna Zoe Petre pe blogul domniei-sale, si care „merită toată atentia societătii românesti de astăzi”.

Este posibil ca informatiile pe care le-am primit si publicat ieri să fi fost eronate. Am primit astăzi dimineată o corectare, într-unul din comentariile de mai jos, din partea doamnei prof. univ. dr. Zoe Petre, în privinta chemării politiei de către administratia Universitătii. D-na Petre a arătat faptul că mai întâi, conform Cartei Universitare, numai rectorul are dreptul de a autoriza accesul politiei în Universitate. Un alt aspect: conducerea Facultătii de Istorie s-a interpus între studentii protestatari si politie. Rolul acesteia este de a impune un comportament civilizat, calm si evitarea violentei, fapt care ar explica de ce studentii au trebuit să semneze câteva documente prin care se angajau că proprietatea Universitătii nu va fi afectată în nici un fel. Dacă se dovedeste că ceea ce s-a afirmat ieri – faptul că rectorul Universitătii a chemat politia (desi în mod nefericit) – în urma unei amenintări din partea d-lui Funeriu de a-l concedia pe decanul facultătii, dl. Nistor, dacă dezbaterea ar continua, atunci studentii au cu atât mai multe motive să-si continue ferm protestul si actiunea de revoltă. Adevărata răspundere în toată această problemă îi apartine, asa cum scrie în blogul domniei-sale d-na prof. Petre, Ministerului Învătământului si statului, care până acum, nu au fost afectate deloc de acest eveniment. Dl. Funeriu nu va avea altă solutie si va TREBUI să reactioneze.

În Vox Publica, Mihai Gotiu scrie că s-au făcut afirmatii absurde, referitoare la faptul că numai studentii aveau dreptul să participe la dezbaterea tinută în spatiul universitar (cu atât mai absurd cu cât citesti că invitatia initială la dezbatere nu a fost făcută de studenti), de către aceiasi oameni care au interzis fotografierea si filmarea – toate aceste aspecte devenind încă un factor mobilizator pentru cei implicati.

Intentia conducerii Universitătii, scrie Mihai Gotiu, pare destul de clară: să minimizeze protestul si totodată apelul făcut la firmele de pază si protectie, pretinzând în acelasi timp că totul e sub control. Asociatia Studentilor de la Istorie, „Dacia” (singura organizatie din cadrul Facultătii de Istorie care vizează „reprezentarea studentilor”, după cum singură se descrie) a emis o declaratie care, practic, afirma că într-adevăr, totul trebuie schimbat, însă schimbarea va veni de la sine, fără a se face, de fapt, nimic – cu alte cuvinte, „fără nici un risc pentru noi” si „fără să ne expunem”. Foarte trist. Si foarte las. Deci, cam la atât se reduce reprezentarea intereselor studentilor. După cum stim toti – si, mai ales, după cum stiu studentii si profesorii foarte bine, schimbarea nu vine atunci când stai cu mâinile-n sân. E nevoie de fapte.

ocupare-istorie-1(Photo source)

25th November

Around 250 students gathered last night (Thursday) to peacefully 'occupy' the amphitheatre of the Faculty of History in Bucharest, to protest against the ridiculously low budget allocated to education. The protest was to begin with a debate jointly organised by NGOs, amongst them 'Miliţia Spirituală', and attended by both students and teachers.

According to the site, students were forcibly removed (VIDEO) from the building by police called in, I'm told, by the University's Rector, Ion Panzaru, following a telephone call from Funeriu, Romania's Minister of Education. Funeriu threatened that the Dean would be dismissed if the debate wasn't stopped.
A statement signed by a group of students and sent to Realitatea said that "at 18h, we began to gather for the public debate to openly discuss the current problems within the education system: the allocation of only 2% of GDP for education. (...) Because it is an uncomfortable discussion, perhaps, the University management would not allow this debate to take place. The police arrived and threw many students out into the street. It is unacceptable in a democratic state that such abuses could happen." 
Another student told the press, "We came with sleeping bags, food, torches, all we need to stay here for four days until Sunday at 18h. We have chosen this form of protest to show that the University belongs to the students even if the decisions concerning us are not ours".
The pathetic 2% of GDP put aside for education (compared to 11.4% in France, 9.5% in Germany, 11.5% in Russia and 12.8% in Sweden to cite a few, see HERE) is an attack on Romanian society in its entirety. There is a massive lack of funding for research and students consider treatment towards them through bureaucracy to be completely undignified - and with cause.
According to the students, University management disrupted the debate that had been previously decided and approved, telling organisers that it had been suspended. Of the 250 initial protesters, the Rector allowed around 60 to remain. Everyone else was thrown out. The students had worked hard for a peaceful protest, however, they were threatened with expulsion, elbowed, yelled at and shoved down the stairs by police. A security firm took position in front of the door, forbidding anyone from entering and surrounded the amphitheatre entrance during the conference. What is this intimidation in a democratic (?!?) country aimed at students during a peaceful protest. Why this need to scare and bully?
Has the university become no more than a sterile space? A diploma mill? It certainly gives the impression of being oriented towards profit rather than open-thinking, ideas, problem-solving or debate. Can the University management not accept a discussion concerning itself and how it functions?
At 23h last night, representatives of the University arrived on site to show their solidarity with the students. If I have understood correctly, the university doors were then opened, allowing students to enter from the street. "They came in and kept coming," says one report. The Rector appears to have tried to downplay the protest.
At midnight, the students were given permission by Ion Panzaru (who had calmed down a little), to spend the night in the amphitheatre on the 3rd floor having first signed a document promising they would not destroy University property, according to Realitatea. Absolutely outrageous. The students were peaceful. The demonstration was peaceful. The only abuse to be seen came from the police on the orders of University management. How dare these students, concerned by the future of education in Romania and rightfully so, be treated like would-be criminals?!
At 9h this morning, the Dean of the Faculty of History told Adevarul that he had spoken with some of the students and "heard very interesting ideas. I talked to them last night, too. I was here. Neither the Rector nor I have any issues with them. Our only fear was that they would damage University property, but I saw that they were well-behaved." I could add a comment here, but am trying to control myself from a blast of unprecedented sarcasm. Dr. Zoe Petre arrived at the amphitheatre a little after 9h to support the students still present who had not yet left for classes. Carol Capita, Daniela Zaharia, Vintilă Mihăilescu and Ciprian Şiulea also showed their support.
The protest is entirely initiated by students, former students, and individuals. Ruxandra says, "we would like to restate the fact that this protest and the movement started independently of any political and economical interests, NGOs, federations and associations of any kind."

'What does the university produce', asks a logo on a poster, 'citizens or idiots?' An excellent question indeed. The sit-in is planned to last four days and is said to be 'only the first step of the protest'.
"Jos palaria" to every student sleeping there tonight, every student saying NO to the way their government fails to respect education and its importance, fails to encourage and support them; every student who refuses to be a statistic for what could have been had they been born elsewhere; every student who wants education, a career, a chance to make a difference; every student who is, in fact, the future of Romania. This is a vital happening in Bucharest today, and I hope the news will travel far and wide. Even private security companies hired by a University Rector cannot stop people talking. BRAVO!!!
For an update on today's news, see HERE.
Si în romaneste:
25 noiembrie

Circa 250 de studenti s-au adunat aseară (marti) pentru a ocupa pasnic amfiteatrul Facultătii de Istorie din Bucuresti, în vederea unui protest împotriva bugetului ridicol de mic alocat învătământului. Protestul a fost programat să înceapă cu o dezbatere comună, organizată de ONG-uri, printre care si „Miliţia Spirituală”, iar participantii au fost atât studenti, cât si profesori.

Potrivit site-ului, studentii au fost scosi cu forta (VIDEO) din clădire de către politie, chemată, din câte mi s-a spus, de rectorul Universitătii, Ion Pânzaru, în urma unui apel telefonic primit de la Daniel Funeriu, ministrul învătământului. Funeriu a amenintat că decanul va fi concediat dacă dezbaterea nu va fi oprită.

O declaratie semnată de un grup de studenti si trimisă „Realitătii” afirma că „la orele 18:00, am început să ne strângem pentru dezbaterea publică, pentru a discuta în mod deschis despre problemele actuale ale sistemului de învătământ românesc: alocarea a numai 2% din PIB pentru acest sector[…]. Probabil că din cauză că este o discutie incomodă, conducerea Universitătii nu a vrut ca această dezbatere să aibă loc. Politia a descins si a scos în stradă multi studenti. Este inacceptabil ca într-un stat democratic să aibă loc asemenea abuzuri”.

Un alt student a declarat presei: „Am venit cu saci de dormit, mâncare, lanterne – cu tot ce aveam nevoie ca să stăm aici timp de patru zile, până duminică, la ora 18:00. Am ales această formă de protest pentru a arăta faptul că Universitatea e a studentilor, chiar dacă deciziile care se iau în privinta noastră nu sunt ale noastre”.

Jalnicul procent de 2% din PIB alocat învătământului (fată de 11,4% în Franta, 9,5% în Germania, 11,5% în Rusia si 12,8% în Suedia – pentru a nu da decât câteva exemple – vezi AICI) constituie un atac împotriva întregii societăti românesti. Există un gol imens de fonduri pentru cercetare, iar studentii consideră că modul în care sunt tratati, prin pârghiile birocratice, este total nedemn – si au dreptate.

Conform afirmatiilor studentilor, conducerea Universitătii a întrerupt dezbaterea – care fusese decisă si aprobată în prealabil – spunându-le organizatorilor că a fost suspendată. Din cei 250 de protestatari initiali, rectorul nu a permis decât unui număr de 60 de persoane să rămână. După ce munciseră mult pentru a organiza un protest pasnic, studentii au fost amenintati cu exmatricularea, înghiontiti, apostrofati si aruncati pe scări de către politie. O firmă de pază s-a postat în fata usii, interzicându-le tuturor să intre si a făcut un lant de persoane în jurul intrării în amfiteatru, în timpul conferintei. Ce înseamnă acest stil de intimidare într-o tară democrată (?!?), a unor studenti, în timpul unui protest pasnic? De ce această nevoie de a speria si brusca?

Ce-a ajuns Universitatea? Doar un spatiu steril? O moară de produs diplome? Cu sigurantă, dă impresia unei entităti orientate spre profit si nu spre o gândire deschisă, discutarea ideilor, rezolvarea problemelor sau dezbatere. Conducerea Universitătii nu poate admite o discutie despre ea însăsi si despre modul ei de functionare?

Aseară, la orele 23:00, au sosit la fata locului si reprezentanti ai Universitătii, pentru a-si manifesta solidaritatea cu studentii. Dacă am înteles corect, usile universitătii au fost deschise în acel moment, dându-li-se voie studentilor care erau în stradă, să intre. „Au intrat si au tot intrat”, se spune undeva. Rectorul dă impresia unui om care a încercat să minimizeze întregul eveniment.

La miezul noptii, Ion Pânzaru (care între timp se mai linistise) le-a dat voie studentilor să rămână în amfiteatrul de la etajul III în restul noptii, după ce au semnat mai întâi un document prin care au promis că nu vor distruge proprietatea Universitătii, spune „Realitatea”. Absolut scandalos. Studentii au fost pasnici. Demonstratia a fost pasnică. Singurul abuz vizibil a fost cel din partea politiei, chemată de conducerea Universitătii. Cum e posibil ca acesti studenti, preocupati de viitorul educatiei din România – si pe drept cuvânt – să fie tratati ca niste infractori potentiali?

La orele 9:00, astăzi dimineată, decanul Facultătii de Istorie a declarat ziarului Adevarul că a stat de vorbă cu unii dintre studenti si că „a auzit idei foarte interesante”. „Am stat de vorbă cu ei si aseară. Am fost acolo. Nici dl. rector, nici eu nu avem vreo problemă cu ei. Singura noastră teamă a fost că or să distrugă proprietatea Universitătii, dar am văzut că s-au comportat foarte frumos”. (As putea să adaug un comentariu personal aici, dar încerc să mă stăpânesc si să nu dau frâu unui val de sarcasm.) D-na prof. univ. dr. Zoe Petre a sosit în aulă putin după ora 9:00, pentru a-i sustine pe studentii încă prezenti si care nu plecaseră încă la ore. Carol Capita, Daniela Zaharia, Vintilă Mihăilescu si Ciprian Şiulea si-au manifestat si ei sprijinul.

Acest protest face parte dintr-o initiativă a unei organizatii neguvernamentale, formată mai ales din absolventi ai Facultătii de Istorie, care încearcă să reînvie spiritul studentesc românesc. „Ce produce universitatea...” – întreabă un slogan de pe un afis – „...cetăteni sau idioti?”. Într-adevăr, o întrebare excelentă. Manifestatia este planificată să tină patru zile si a fost caracterizată ca fiind „doar un prim pas al protestului”.

Jos pălăria pentru toti studentii care vor dormi la Universitate în această noapte; pentru toti studentii care spun NU lipsei de respect pe care-o manifestă statul lor pentru învătământ si pentru modul în care acesta este absent de la o atitudine care ar fi trebuit să fie una de încurajare si de sprijin; pentru toti studentii care refuză să fie o cifră statistică a ceea ce ar fi putut să fie dacă s-ar fi născut altundeva; pentru toti studentii care îsi doresc o educatie bună, o carieră, o sansă de a conta în viată; pentru toti studentii care sunt, de fapt, viitorul României. Ceea ce se întâmplă astăzi la Bucuresti este un eveniment vital, despre care sper că va afla cât mai multă lume. Nici măcar firmele de pază angajate de rectorul universitătii nu pot opri pe cineva să vorbească. BRAVO!!!

Many thanks to Mihaela Mihaila for the English-Romanian translations.

What's the Rector's background out of interest? I should go goagal.<br /> <br /> Seems, from reading the wall this morning for the movement, that there has been a great deal of monopolising by these extreme left Marxist groups trying to make this 'protest' their's and inciting violence and anarchy. Such idiots. I am glad that the students are keeping a strong head and telling them to sod off... This is very wrong however, for it is just another excuse for the press to belittle and minimise the protest - Rector, too and anyone else wanting to take a pop. Still nothing from Funeriu - can you believe hhis rudeness. Not a word from him. Nor any other government minister or official. Just shows how little they respect the students movement, how little they consider education to be a priority - and possibly how they cannot find answers to the excellent and fundamental questions asked in the claims list of the students manifesto...<br /> <br /> I am VERY glad to hear that the protest did NOT end last night. Until there is a response from Funeriu. It should not end - and only then, depending on the response. Now that the Students Union has joined and there will be simultaneous debates across the country...ohhhhh I wish I were there. Even as a teacher, I wish I were tehre to join and help. Its so annoying to be stuck here relying on newspapers for news...grrrrrrrrrrrr<br /> <br /> Wishing them luck, courage and determination. Endlessly!
Ref the first commentary - The Dean Mr. Nistor (NOT the rector) was the counselour of Mr. Constantinescu
Doamna Petre thank you for your comment. I must go and see your blog. The info re the phone call from Funeriu to the Rector I have from the students - and he threatened to sack the Dean. If this is indeed the case (and if it isn't, of course, I'll remove it), then as you so rightly say, the revolt is more justified than ever.<br /> <br /> Time to update!
Do not misunderstand the news: as I have written yesterday on my blog, by law, only the Rector has the right to call the police or other law enforcement forces in the University, which he, unhappily, did. The Dean of the Faculty, prof. Nistor, was calm. polite, and open to dialogue. Of course he was at first a bit worried, because he did not knew many of the participants, who were not present or former students in History; some of them even came from other universities in Bucharest.<br /> As I wrote yesterday, their protest is not limited to the budget question, which is the most urgent and revolting. And, if it is true that Mr. Funeriu, the minister of Education, threatened to sack the Rector of our University if he does not stop the students, it becomes obvious that the revolt of our young colleagues is more thanjustified.
The Dean or the Rector was counsellor to EC? The Dean was threatened with being fired, apparently, if the debate went ahead, hence why he behaved as he did. Funeriu phoned the Rector and threatened him... this protest has clearly touched so many raw spots all in one go that Funeriu is livid. And so he should be. Indeed, the worst minister of Education - I thought things were looking up when the cheating and spaga was so seriously appeared to dealt with this summer. Seems I was blissfully naive... 2% GDP??? I just heard it was down to 1.95% Its the lowest in Europe. Only the 3rd world African countries give less and that's beacuse they can't give more not beacuse they won't.<br /> <br /> Indeed, bravo Dna Petre and all other professors who showed up to support the students.
Sarah in Romania
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