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Sarah in Romania
5 novembre 2011

Demolition imminent str Dionisie Lupu, 56...

str D lupu 56 (Photo source: My thanks to Ileana Partenie for the next two photographs of the fate of str.Dionisie Lupu 56, left, taken 7th November, 2011)

Update 8th November: Here come the press reports:

Hotnews by Catiusa Ivanov

TVR (video)


Observatorul Urban Bucuresti

URGENT UPDATE Monday 7th November 15h: PREVIOUS INFO INCORRECT!!! The acts to demolish were NOT in order (how could they have been?!?) - they had not only expired three weeks ago, but were for another demolition entirely that had already been carried out... Did the police fail to notice?!? Can't they read?!!! Dear God....

The expired acts to demolish were indeed for an annexe on the land pulled down two years ago at the back of the property, and NOT for the house. An act to demolish the house itself DID NOT EXIST. No wonder it was impossible to find one anywhere on-line... The expired documents had been signed by Patrascu (I would LOVE to have 5 minutes with that man who calls himself an architect) and the equally expired Stefan Damian. Furthermore, being in a protected area, the approval from the Ministry of Culture was required, for that of the commission wasn't worth the paper it was written on. THERE WAS NO APPROVAL OF THAT NATURE FROM str d lupu 56 2THE MINISTRY OF CULTURE.

I understand there was a hoard of journalists present from TV1 (who will run a story later), Realitatea and RTV, Hotnews and many others... by 14h30, there was barely nothing left of the house. This is nothing short of a complete abuse of justice, a breach of law and order and willful destruction on the part of a member of Alexandru Rosetti's OWN FAMILY which makes this despicable act all the more repugnant.

Update Monday 7th November, 13h30: str. Dionisie Lupu, nr.56 nu mai e. Just heard from Romulus Bena who was there earlier that it has been demolished. The relevant papers were, apparently, in order... How, I cannot, for the life of me, imagine...

Update Monday 7th November, 12h30: Ovidiu Draghia writes in his blog that the public information notices went up this morning. I have also heard that there IS a demolition permit but it isn't for the house. Rather, it appears to be for an annexe elsewhere on the land (at the back?), no longer in existence.

Yesterday, as you know, the police went to the site and demanded the relevant papers to be presented within the hour. In a position whereby they could have stopped this happening, they did NOT...they allowed the work to continue, contrary to what I was told yesterday. Seeing that the papers were NOT in order, they sent the foreman off to get it sorted out but did not stop the demolition already in progress. Great upholders of the law, the Romanian Police...

Further news of the history of the house since 1990, should it be of interest to you: I am told that, on the death of Alexandru Rosetti, the house was inherited by relatives. This inheritance was argued by a former housekeeper who had cared for Mr Rosetti for many years, but obviously she lost the battle, if indeed it ever went to court. These relatives were, apparently, Mr Rosetti's illigitimate son (an architect) and his son. I was told this morning that it is Mr Smigelschi Senior who is to blame for this 'porcherie'. In 2010, he removed the memorial plaque honouring Alexandru Rosetti (his own father!!!) to minimise the buildings historical and memorial value. I also learned this morning that he wishes to build a very large 4 storey residence on this land for his family, as well as parts of it he wishes to rent out. "They cannot be stopped", my source concluded. It would seem not.

Awaiting further news...still nothing in the press...

Update Sunday 6th November 4pm (Paris time): At this precise moment in time, it still is NOT CLEAR whether or not there is permission from the Cultural Agency of Bucharest to destroy the house so that something else can be constructed in its place... However, I am told that IF official approval for demolition is granted by the Ministry of Culture, regardless of the house being in a protected zone, it CAN be demolished. My question to that is what on earth is the point of being in a protected zone, then...?
More news: Nicusor Dan called the police this morning, and ask them to go check for documents showing the demolition was legal. They are there right now and have stopped the demolition from progressing any further. At least for now...

d lupu 56

 5th November: Another demolition is about to take place (if it hasn't already) on str. Dionisie Lupu in the centre of Bucharest - this time, it's nr.56, the house of the Romanian linguist Alexandru Rosetti (1895-1990). Built at the beginning of the 20th century in eclectic style, it is situated in the protected Pitar Mos zone. The NGO Salvati Bucurestiul believes the authorisation was granted either by City Hall or the direction of the Bucharest's Cultural Agency...

THIS blog reports that a demolition team was there on site to start work this afternoon and that, by Monday, they said, the land would be 'vacant'. Over the last few days, the windows have been pulled out (clear from the photo) and the memorial plaque removed. It seems evident that the destruction will occur at any moment if it hasn't already (weekends and night-time seem to be the latest underhanded, sneaky method for illegal demolitions since no one is there to either film or protest) despite a marked absence of any kind of public notice informing this to be the case... With the windows gone, the blogger writes that the beautiful ceilings, tiled stoves and carved, wooden doors mentioned in the memoires of Gheorghe Florescu are visible. The mayor, Andre Chiliman, who lives a couple of streets away must surely be aware of what is happening to Dionisie Lupu, 56. Photographs taken of the house earlier this evening are also found on this blog.

333909_301421616553512_100000570271161_1207592_859231833_o(Photo source: Salvati Bucurestiul: The house that was) This message (translated in the first paragraph of this post) originates from the President of Salvati Bucurestiul, Nicusor Dan:

"Este iminenta demolarea casei Alexandru Rosetti din str. Dionisie Lupu nr. 56. Cladirea a fost construita la inceputul secolului XX in stil eclectic. Face parte din zona construita protejata Pitar Mos. A apartinut academicianului Alexandru Rosetti (1895-1990), unul dintre fondatorii scolii romanesti de lingvistica.
Cel mai probabil exista o autorizatie de desfiintare emisa de Primarul Municipiului Bucuresti, in urma unui aviz emis de Directia pentru Cultura Bucuresti."

Nicusor Dan, Asociatia Salvati Bucurestiul

The owner of Dionisie Lupu, 56 is Radu Smigelschi - an architect (!!), phone 021 2115905, and a huge residence is planned for this site. A commentor below says the following: "Obviously all legal procedures (PUZ) were handled confidentially, under the table - you will not find any relevant/transparent information (except a date on the CUAT/PMB list) - in glorious romanian style (direct connection with mayor Chiliman).The house has absolutely no architectural value."

No architectural value perhaps, but it definitely has historical value and the fact remains that it's in a protected zone and therefore should not be demolished. The fact also remains that this is an outrageous breach of justice. Thank you, Info Services, for getting in touch.

As for Smigelschi, here is more news just received by e-mail - thank you very much indeed:

"Please check these out: HERE and HERE. I guess Marina and Radu Matei Smigelschi are the current owners at Dionisie Lupu 56.  In 2006 they had set up a firm entitled "Pensionul Dionisie S.R.L." with after-school activities.  The firm had a secondary office at Dionisie Lupu 56.  In 2009 they suspended the activity for 3 years. A 1991 graduate of the Bucharest Medical School, Arina Smigelschi is currently General Manager of the Swiss Golf & Leisure Development SARadu Matei Smigelschi is an architect ("Ion Mincu" 1984 graduate) and member of the Architects Order, Bucharest branch.  He is a founding member of the Golf & Country Club Bucharest.
Also, these records of PMB meetings:
- Sept. 2010 meeting, item 11: PUZ Dionisie Lupu 56, design by SC Oro Design Proiect SRL, Urb. Oana Radulescu, city planning approval
- Feb. 2011 meeting, item 11: PUZ Dionisie Lupu 56, design by SC Oro Design Proiect SRL, Urb. Oana Radulescu, consulting
A little background information about Oro Design Proiect / Oana Radulescu and their methods to develop "legal" business with political support HERE."

Please do check out the link re: Oro Design... it certainly doesn't look very kosher.

For sure, there seems to be an out and out effort, no energy spared, to remove every piece of cultural, historical and architectural value from Bucharest... The number of illegal demolitions taking place right now (and indeed over the last few years) has been heart-stopping. The very fact that protection laws and legality are blatently ignored and trampled over rough-shod just highlights the corruption and unbelievable arrogance ruling Bucharest today. Patrimony, history and respect for the past can all go to hell as far as they are concerned. If those at the top do not abide by the laws then what hope is there for anyone else. What hope is there for Bucharest?

> is it still closed to the public?<br /> <br /> Yes. Yesterday afternoon I stopped in front of the locked gate and I asked the man who was cleaning the yard of the fallen leaves. He told me that the house is closed and cannot be visited. I asked why and he said it is being renovated. "So when will it be opened again for public?" He shrugged and said nothing...
The gang who demolish the house should eithr rebuilt it in its initial form or go to jail by Romanian law.Not to say o the fine they must pay to the City Hall.f anybody in this country demolishes a hen's cottage without authorisation, pays.If they build without autorisation pay. Smigelschi family (shame may lay on their name forever) are citizend and shall obey the law.<br /> <br /> The policemen who diidn't stop the demolition in spite of the fact that the authorisation was old must be fired from the police. They don't protect the law or law abidind citizens, but thieves.<br /> Who will do thi you will ask? The judges,of course, for Sighelshi are not related to God, and even so.<br /> If not, we, the citizens of Bucharest/Romania accept to live in anarchy. <br /> I don't/
Oui, vous avez raison... bien sur, ce qui se passe dans l'occident, dans les pays civilisés où les peuples sont respectés, il y en a des lois qui sont adhérés, le bien du citoyens qui est adhéré aussi et un devoir civil qui existe...tristement en Roumanie, ce sont des choses qui manquent. le gouvernement et surtout la 'primaria' ne respectent personne. La seule chose qui fait battre les coeurs c'est, comme vous avez dit, d'argent. L'argent ET le pouvoir.... C'est plus que triste. C'est criminel. c'est odieux. Et c'est profondement honteux.
Ai dreptate Sarah, e scandalos, dar nu uita ca in occident protectia, restaurarea patrimoniului este politica de stat, autoritatile isi fac o prioritate din asta. Exista constiinta faptului ca un stat este puternic prin istoria, patrimoniul si cultura sa, nu doar prin bani. In Romania conteaza diin ce in ce mai mult doar banul (atat pentru guvernanti, cat si pentru o mare parte a populatiei). Trist, foarte trist.
You must have been an exceptional teacher Madalina. I'd love to have been a kid in your class... I doubt that happens much today.<br /> <br /> And you're right, where would you take them now? To see the ruins of Spiru Haret's house now that the gypsy occupants have totally trashed it or the destruction of Nenitescu's house looted and vandalised? The sad and neglected home of Bacovia in sector 5? The empty, closed and lonely house of Calinescu not yet touched but what's going on there is definitely very suspect indeed?<br /> <br /> As for Bucharesteans staying home watching TV, absolutely RIGHT. Those who get off their derrieres and try to make a difference, those who get upset and passionate about this are VERY few and far between... its a national shame.
Sarah in Romania
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