Cornel Todea, snitch at 14, back in the press
(Image: Catavencu, August, 2008) I am glad to see the story of Cornel Todea back in the news again, despite parts of the journalists' info being erroneous ... the squealing on his schoolmates at Titu Maiorescu High School (today I.L Caragiale) back in the 50's came to light in July and August 2008 via two articles in Catavencu today readable in Hotnews archives (if you haven't subscribed to Catavencii). No other main newspaper would touch it back then with their own individual articles, though the Observator Cultural took up the story in September of the same year and encouraged sympathy for him. Poor Cornel... Get me a bucket. Today, it seems, the red flag waved by two of his victims, LM and NM interviewed by Catavencu in 2008, became a catalyst for further coverage of Todea's wheelings, dealings and filthy grassing although we had to wait three years. Perhaps raking it all up again lead to other witness statements and horror stories pertaining to what this individual did to literally hundreds of people over decades. Todea recently asked for the accusations against him to be dropped. This has also encouraged the latest round of articles in Adevarul and Revista 22. Dropped? Are you kidding me?
There has been much talk of 'forgiveness' on Facebook and in the comments of the articles I have read today regarding Todea and his collaboration. True, one cannot be held accountable when one is only 14 ... after all, we all make a great many mistakes at such an age. But we are NOT talking about one mistake. We are talking about a man who began snitching at 14 and never stopped. He made a career of it. It spanned decades. And what is all the more inadmissable is that he is lauded as a great member of the community. He is admired and looked up to, but his victims see him in the streets, at the market, in the bookshop, at the theatre... Oh no, we are not talking about just one slip. As time went by, he knew exactly what he was doing, but he did it anyway.
"Only those who lived in communism can judge and forgive," said another comment. Yes. But in my opinion, for a country to be whole, to be complete, one must face the past surely, and people like Todea should be publically humiliated and and made to take responsibility for their crimes. If not (and I agree, there'd be a great many public humiliations and punishments carried out), then it is impossible to build a future based on an incomplete history. The suspicion will continue, the bitterness, the resentment, the loathing - and the pain. There would be no end to it. Things would never get any better. That's not much of a future, is it?
I know three of his victims personally and many more indirectly. In the late spring of 2008, NM and LM made the courageous decision to demand their files at the archives. Having been arrested and thrown into Jilava at the ages of 15 and 16 respectively, they wanted to know who had caused their youths to be so blighted and their adolescence so brutally annihilated... NM opened her file which, to her surprise, was a massive doorstep, and went through it carefully (it took hours), taking photos as she progressed. She didn't even recognise the black and white snap of Todea. She didn't remember who he was. But LM knew his face. A non-descript kid, younger than them, with no friends - Cornel Todea. The article below speaks of older children, aged 17, but it is incorrect info. No child arrested due to Todea's snitching was older than 16 (just goes to show the caring research done by journalists here) at this time. One of them, Ion Varlam, was only 14. Another, Marioana Cantacuzino, (not Maria as the journalist mistakenly writes below and also mis-spells her surname...) was 16 years old and spent several YEARS in prison, suffering far more because, of course, she was a Cantacuzino. In 1955, Marioana Cantacuzino attempted suicide. She did not succeed in taking her own life but the psychological and physical exhaustion of the prison regime had taken its toll.
The children were accused of hatching a plan, you see, the "Rombul Rosu", to overthrow the communist state ... superkids?! The very idea is so preposterous that today we almost snigger. Ion Varlam says that it was entirely fabricated by the Securitate. I don't doubt it. But back then, it was "cause" to have all the children Todea snitched on arrested and thrown in jail despite their tender age. The panic instilled in the families of those children not arrested and yet in the same classes as those that were was terrifying. Parents packed their children off to far-flung towns across Romania to stay with relatives in a hope that they would be protected once away from Bucharest. Any parent today can imagine the hysteria that must have reigned for several weeks to follow. After all, the communist regime certainly wasn't known for any kind of adhesion to human rights and much less, to compassion... From 1947 onwards, hundreds of school children and university students were arrested from anti-communist families all over Romania and thrown in the foul and horrifying prisons throughout the country.
This worm, Cornel Todea, has been lucky all his life it seems. Excellent jobs (bought, of course), a beautiful house, a passport to come and go as he pleased, holidays, a marriage to Olimpia Vidrascu, the daughter of a very high-placed Securitate member who has since divorced him and is living in Paris, bine mersi, running some kind of marriage guidance outfit (I expect she has had heaps of hands-on experience)... and today, Cornel Todea hosts a regular talkshow on Radio Romania Cultural every Friday and is the manager of the childrens' theatre 'Ion Creanga' in Bucharest. Uncannily ironic really. A childrens' theatre when he himself, destroyed the adolescence of so many...
Here is an article found today in Adevarul. I would like to see this excuse for a man put on trial and tried in front of his victims. I would like to see his home, his position at the theatre taken from him once and for all. I would like to hear him publically apologise to every single one of his victims, whether they were children or adults in both Romania and France, because, yes, he was sent to France to spy too, and caused many people much harm. "Imi pare rau" will not be sufficient, as if he had stepped on one's toe in the metrou. When I say 'apology', I mean a real one. All he can do is whinge and harp about how tough life was and that it wasn't his fault. Not good enough, I'm afraid. There is no punishment for such pond-life as Todea but public humiliation and poverty would be a very good beginning to try to rectify a tiny portion of the destruction he caused. He is rich enough to compensate my three friends at least which would help make up for their fear of the dark, their phobias of confined spaces and the loss of their innocence in Jilava... a small price to pay, Todea, don't you think?
Regizorul Cornel Todea, turnător la 15 ani
CNSAS susţine în instanţă calitatea de colaborator al Securităţii a directorului Teatrului „Ion Creangă“. Cornel Todea (76 de ani) ar fi colaborat cu Securitatea încă de la vârsta de 15 ani, cu numele de cod „Cucu“ şi „Cornescu“.
Relaţia ciudată a elevului Cornel Todea cu Securitatea Poporului ar fi început în 1950, pe când era la Liceu „IL Caragiale" din Bucureşti. Todea era anchetat pentru redactarea unui manifest împotriva statului comunist. Adolescentul a cedat şi a semnat un angajament „pentru acoperirea informativă a colegilor de clasă", iar Securitatea i-a dat numele conspirativ „Cucu". Potrivit rapoartelor realizate de securişti, „Cucu" a fost un pion-cheie în descoperirea organizaţiei „Pătratul Roşu"- formată din elevi şi eleve în frunte cu Maria Catacuzino, din care făceau parte mai mulţi fii de foşti miniştri şi urmaşi ai fostei aristocraţii româneşti -Ghica şi Sturdza. Trei liceeni, Maria Catacuzino (17 ani), Radu Miclescu (17 ani) şi Mihai Sturdza, au fost internaţi în colonii de muncă, fiind acuzaţi că ajutau cu pachete fugarii din munţi şi că difuzau manifeste cu caracter duşmănos. Cornel Todea ar fi fost arestat, câteva luni, în acest dosar.
Afacerea „Pătratul Roşu"
Cel mai dramatic episod din afacerea „Pătratul Roşu" ar fi tentativa de sinucidere a Mariei Catancuzino din data de 22 februarie 1955. Tânăra a ajuns la epuizare psihică şi fizică din cauza regimului de închisoare foarte dur şi a faptului că nu a fost eliberată după ce i-a expirat, la 3 ianuarie 1955, mandatul de reţinere. „Organizaţia a fost descoperită tocmai ca urmare a sesizării organelor de Securitate de către Domnia Sa, iar arestarea lui, alături de ceilalţi membri ai organizaţiei, s-a produs din cauza lipsei de comunicare dintre departamentele statului.