Protest in London 26th May for animal rights in Romania. Bravo UK!
Bravo UK! It would be great to see the same protest in Bucharest on the SAME DAY, May 26th, wouldn't it, so that the two countries, their animal-lovers and NGOs may stand together as one in support, consternation and indignance.
AFRA has told me that since the appalling news of the treatment of the horses of Letea has become public, the demonstration is now a double whammy - what started out as a demonstration against the pending euthanasia bill targetting the stray dogs of Romania, the protesters will also now be demanding the application of animal protection laws throughout the country.
The following is from the Action For Romanian Animals site and written on 11th May before the horror for the horses of Letea had even begun:
'In Europe there have been massive demonstrations highlighting the brutallity that animals face in Romania, where the EU funds animal welfare schemes but for the most part, the animals do not benefit from this and ill treatment of animals continue. The UK is way behind the rest of Europe in regards to this subject.
So get on board, this is one moment for all groups in the UK who care for the plight of Romanian animals to pull together and target the Romanian Embassy and Consulates. So, bring your banners, your adopted furry friends from Romania, your whistles and Posters.
For one great moment in history, let the roar of the Great Nations of Britain come together in London on 26th May 2011, and together we will tell Romania once and for all, that the people of Great Britain are no longer willing to stand by and let the animals in Romania suffer.'
Please visit the site and see the demo-vids in French, Romanian, German, Spanish and English. You can download your British demo-posters to stick in your cars, shop windows, supermarkets, church halls etc.
HERE ahead of time. If you are unable to attend the demonstration but would still like your voice to be heard, please sign THIS petition bound for the European Commission. Thank you AFRA! Great work! :o)) Hope the turn out is massive and indeed, that it be 'one great moment in history'!