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Sarah in Romania
14 avril 2011

Pardon cu capu' spart...

sorin14pix(Photo: Sorin Tanasie) The Bucharest Tribunal decided Tuesday that the PUZ North South Boulevard due to smash its way through Berzei-Buzesti and for which reason so much destruction has taken place, is ILLEGAL. Of course, we didnt need a court to tell us this but it's good to know that the justice system can awaken, stretch and kick into action from time to time. The Platforms for Bucharest will be giving a press release on Thursday 14th April at 13h: Calea Plevnei 98, Block 10c, Sector 1.

It appears that the plans provided by City Hall for this project did not include the necessary and elementary documentation required for it to be up and running - such as, I presume, permits to demolish, papers to expropriate and/or expulse and a mountain of other basic bits of bureaucracy. Bravo. The Bucharest Platforms signalled this repeatedly but were equally repeatedly ignored by the relevant authorities concerned. Of course, City Hall can contest the decision.

This is great news on the one hand. It is a poke in the eye for the dispicable behaviour on the part of City Hall, and a fist of victory in the air for those who have suffered so much because of Oprescu's inhumane callousness and underhanded dealings. On the other hand it will not bring people their homes back, will not cause the ghosts of lost and demolished properties to spring up from the rubble like a collection of proverbial phoenix, will not enchant a rebuilding of Hotel Marna and the other listed monuments destroyed ILLEGALLY and DISHONESTLY and will not assuage the pain and suffering of those thrown out and expulsed in the middle of winter, adults and children alike. It makes the whole thing all the more sick-making and the absence of any correctness from Oprescu all the more putrid.

Pardon cu capu' spart...

Here's an article from Piata Matache Ultima Ora:

Proiectul Diametralei lui Oprescu anulat de instanță

13 aprilie 2011 ·

Tribunalul București a decis marți că PUZ-ul Diametralei Buzești-Berzei este ilegal. Platforma pentru București, prin Nicușor Dan, președintele organizației Salvați Bucureștiul, va da o declarație de presă pe această temă joi, 14 aprilie, ora 13, la sediul ActiveWatch-Agentia de Monitorizare a Presei (Calea
Plevnei, nr. 98, bloc 10 C, Sector 1).

Planul Urbanistic Zonal, pe baza căruia Primăria București a lansat întregul proiect al Diametralei Buzești-Berzei-Uranus, nu includea documentaţia elementară necesară pentru o astfel de întreprindere. Platforma pentru București a semnalat în repetate rânduri aceste carențe, dar a fost ignorată de autoritățile competente. Instanța a confirmatînsă prin decizia sa că demersurile societății civile au fost corecte. PMB poate înainta recurs la Curtea de Apel.

I do admit I am happy for this victory. It is a small satisfaction for those who lost - just like I did - their houses, a small hope that justice still exists. <br /> <br /> Still. Nothing can bring me back what I've lost. Nothing will ever ease my soul from this awful feeling of uncertainty and loneliness I've been feeling since they demolished my house. I miss it every day, I miss its old and familiar walls, I miss my area, my old life. The worse is I can't find them whatever I'd do. And I will never be able to forgive the Romanian state for what it did to me. Not ever.
Dan's comment: 'Azi am traversat de doua ori santierul strazii e pustiuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu!!!'<br /> <br /> Good news.... Great! Im glad to see that something at least has been reliable.<br /> <br /> But this is a mockery. Now all has been destroyed the courts rule illegality...its a satire on justice, absolutely disgusting...people lost their homes for NOTHING... The courts should have acted 4 MONTHS AGO and not NOW when its too late to rectify the wrongs...Valentin, you are right, I wish what you say could come true. Laura, we're talking about Romania. they should be punished, but they wont be. Justice doesn't go that far. It rules illegality AFTER the damage is done, the horizon is scarred and history has been destroyed. NOT BEFORE.<br /> <br /> Heinous and sickening repulsion is my feeling of this latest news. Too little too late and a banana republic of justice.
i hope those who did this do not go unpunished!
Da e goala strada ... numai ca eu am ramas cu 50% din casa taiata si impreuna cu familia in instanta DEGEABA !!! Pentru ce? .... ?
Azi am traversat de doua ori santierul strazii e pustiuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu!!!
Sarah in Romania
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