International outcry at Roumania's animal cruelty
Why so much about the dogs of Bucharest? Simply because I am overwhelmed at the high level of cruelty prevalent in a country I so love... I cannot comprehend it, cannot make any sense of it. But the news floods in, the proof, the horrifying photos and the mugshots of the dog killers sicken me.
Let's take VASILE GORAN, mayor of Moreni, for example. This monster recently announced he would "euthanase" (a complete misuse of the verb, since to euthanase is a mercy killing and this is nothing of the sort - this is murder pure and simple) the strays within the next six months - even if they were spayed and neutered. Please check out the hyperlink for a taste of his kind of democracy... It appears that the mayors rule the country these days. Apart from the President Oprescu (Basescu now only makes the tea), the likes of Goran have far too much power - Roumania has, in effect, become closer to a dictatorship (if ever it was anything else)... the mayors decide on everything and do it whether the people agree or not - using the tax payer's money sitting in the city coffers.
I would just like to call on the Webster Dictionary's definition of EUTHANASIA in order to make a point: "the act of killing of persons or domestic animals that are hopelessly sick or injured for reasons of mercy." It has exactly the same meaning in Roumanian since it is of Greek origin. Thus, I repeat that THE KILLING OF THESE ANIMALS CANNOT BE TERMED AS EUTHANASIA. IT IS MURDER. The majority of these dogs are neither old, nor sick, nor injured. therefore it is a crime. We are looking at animal GENOCIDE.
The outcry of such unbridled cruelty though, unlike the demolitions of Bucharest's patrimony, has attracted very wide, international attention. Reports are flooding in from France and Holland (see previous blog post) as well as Spain, Bulgaria, the USA (MSNBC), Canada and Japan. For sure, Roumania does not need to blacken its international reputation any further than it already has, particularly with Schengen hanging over its head. Europe already shakes its head in disgust at the corruption, the gypsies (whether ignorantly or not, that's another subject for another time), the destruction of architecture and patrimony at the thieving and criminal hands of City Hall and the Real Estate Mafia, the illegal expulsion of property owners in the middle of winter and people dropping dead in front of recently closed hospitals - now it stands there open-mouthed at this bludgeoning, poisoning and agonising eradication of innocent animals who never asked to be born and came into this cruel and unsympathetic world because GOVERNMENT OFFICIALS didnt do their jobs in the first place.
It is marvellous to read about the Flashmobs taking place in France and Roumania. There was another one in Paris today, Place St Michel. See pix HERE. Bravo to all who participated. Looks like it was a great success. But in Bucharest, they have made little impact. Dogs dont matter, you see. They are parasites, the scurge of the country... These cries for justice and compassion do not get press coverage in Roumania. therefore, we must do it from elsewhere. PLEASE HELP. If you know journalists, writers, radio show hosts, have emails or other connections, PLEASE USE THEM... There are some good sites on the net such as THIS one which gives plenty of info (however hard it may be to watch, it is the truth) - please visit them and leave outraged comments. Add your signature to petitions on Facebook, Realitatea and elsewhere. But please, don't just say how sad it is and then change to the next topic. That will not solve anything.
The next meetings of which I am aware are programmed for tomorrow (2pm) and Tuesday (10am) in Bucharest. The demonstrations will take place in front of the Chamber of Deputies, Park Izvor. Of course, as always, these protests are not allowed to occur without the authorisation of City Hall and thus they do not unfold at any other time than when people are at work to decrease supporters. Convenient.... All the more reason to be there if you can. The hearing at the European Parliament is next Tuesday...and we, with the dogs of Roumania, wait with hearts in our mouths, for it really is a question of life and death....
Thank you to Elenaele for the posters