'Another day, another demolition...
On February 9th, a number of buildings were demolished on M. Vulcanescu, amongst them, numbers 68 and 68A located at Buzesti-Berzei, deliberately ignoring the request of 29th January by the CNMI that all demolitions cease until the Commission had clarified the future course of the project, particularly, the fate of several national monuments. Unheeded, Oprescu and his cronies ploughed on. And when I say ploughed, I mean ploughed. These demolitions were carried out illegally. No surprise there, but I thought I would begin this post with something you already knew. It gets worse from this point on.
It is now possible that str Povernei will also lose two of its buildings, n°1-3 (listed and pictured left: source) and n°2. 'Workmen' have already been seen busying away on the roof of one building and hanging around the other for quite some time now. This would be another shocking act of patrimonial slaughter should the demolitions take place. This time, there is no excuse. The houses are in good condition, there are no gypsies (one of the excuses for Hala Matache) and they are not in the way of a road. N° 1-3 is a beautiful property built by William Blast for the brother of Princess Elena Cuza, whilst N° 2 is a Louis Blanc... So why are they for the axe? I have absolutely no idea, but I promise you a post will follow on the situation of these two houses just as soon as I find out more.
How can such things be allowed to happen, you must be wondering if you are not Roumanian or familiar with the country. Well, the CNMI is responsible for protecting monuments. However, amongst its commitee, one may find the chief architect of Bucharest, Gheorghe Patrascu who llives in Mayor Oprescu's pocket. He does not discourage his subordinates nor his friend, Oprescu, in their endless destruction of the capital, its patrimony and its architectural history. Quite the opposite, in fact. Mr Patrascu is all for modernising the city.
On the order of Oprescu, residents have been evacuated from several historic buildings and scores of others which were then left empty and unguarded, open to vandalism and looters. After the partially wiped out Hala Manache came the listed historic monument on Maria Regina n°88. Police reported vandals in the building on February 8th. Another example on str. Radu Calomfirescu n°1 (right: photo source). Built in 1840, it is one of the oldest buildings in Bucharest and is being destroyed systematically brick by brick under the eyes of the community police who stand by and do nothing. 'Salvati Bucuresti' has stated that several windows, wood and metal from the house's interior have been stolen, whilst the iron balcony has disappeared over the last few days. Why does this happen? Well, because it means that a property falls into such intentional disrepair that it DESERVES to be demolished.
It is absurd and more than plain suspicious that such wilful and regular attacks can happen on empty houses when City Hall has a budget of 1,3 billion euros a year and 1,000 employees of which several hundred are community police. What do they do all night (and day) when they are supposed to be keeping their neighbourhood safe? Knit? Meet their girlfriends? Go to the cinema? For pity's sake... is that what Bucharest's residents have paid their taxes for? It is equally absurd and very convenient that there is NO City Hall official responsible for historical monuments in a city that has (or had) thousands of them. One can say, with hand on heart, that there are less to worry about today thanks to Oprescu who is wiping them off the face of the earth in the name of progress and modernisation and for the common good of the people of Bucharest. What a kind and thoughtful man..
(Photo source:Victor Roncea Blog) The very epitome of aberration has been reached, however, with the approval for the pulling down of the 200 year old Sf Nicolae Barbatescu Vechi Church at cal. Rahovei, n°259 for the 'urban highway' you have read about so much lately. The Bucharest General Council ruled at its January meeting that PUZ would build a new church on the same site, however. What is that supposed to be? A consolation prize to shut up the protesters and keep the worshippers quiet?? How is a modern church mocked up by cackhanded idiots who don't give a damn possibly going to serve as a replacement for an old church that has stood there since 1764. Indeed, it is in a state of great neglect and disrepair. But if the City Hall can fork out to build a new one in its place, then why the hell couldn't it repair and renovate the present one before now? What is this hideous, heinous philosophy of pleading poverty in City Hall and the Ministry of Culture when it comes to renovating old and historic buildings and monuments and yet they have the money to renovate the Geological Museum and the National Theatre at a cost of several million euros? Oprescu's motto is 'if it's in the way, get rid of it'. It doesn't matter if it's a listed building. Historical value and architectural worth is of zilch importance. He wants his road and he will get it come hell o'er high water. Why? because he can. Just look at this list for yourselves and imagine the people expulsed from their homes. In the French press, one reads about Ana-Maria, a young mother with a two year old child who was given 72h notice to pack her bags, get out of her home and move to a studio owned by City Hall with neither electricity nor running water. Of course, such expulsions are done for the good of the people. There are hundreds just like Ana-Maria today. And there are people out there who support Oprescu and think he's doing a great job.
The NGOs told Le Monde how this murderous project was continuing the urban destruction that Ceausescu began and is brutally contrary to the principals of integral urban development. They jhave asked for foreign support to stop these appalling acts of illegal demolition and savage expropriations.
Architect, Hanna Derer added, "Some of these monuments have already been ruined by the past, but this time, it is far worse as it concerns the targetting of a whole zone."
See THIS article via the Face Book support page, Matake, for Serban Sturdza, the Vice-President of Pro-Patrimonio's opinion on the matter.
Not only are we looking, then, at criminal attacks on historic monuments and patrimony, but we are also looking at the callous expulsion of people from their homes along with atrocious attacks on their rights, their well-being, their memories and their futures. I know we have a saying: history has a habit of repeating itself. But so fast? It is only 20 years since Ceausescu was executed and the regime fell. Perhaps it was a mistake. Perhaps he should have stayed where he was. After all, there is little difference between his urban plans and consideration for his people and Oprescu's.
It is IMPERATIVE that the situation in Bucharest today be known across the globe and publically condemned. It is IMPERATIVE that calls are made to stop this outrageous attack on a people, their property and their history. It is IMPERATIVE that we, the international community, take a stand to show the people of Roumania that we CARE. And it is IMPERATIVE that this dispicable, unforgivable abuse and eradication ENDS NOW. If you are a journalist, please report on it. If you are in any way connected with those who can help transmit these reports of odeous vandalism, please contact them. We CANNOT, as Europeans, as human beings, for goodness sake, allow this to happen AGAIN. Roumania's history is OUR history, too.