Another gem of patrimony destroyed in 2010
Another house destroyed by much the same shameful and needless methods in 2010 was the Memorial House of Ionel Teodoreanu in Iasi. Even looking at the photo where the decay and lamentable state is evident, one can still imagine how beautiful it once was even without knowing who it had belonged to. What a tragedy for Roumania's history and culture. The following article from Iasi Plus:
Casa lui Ionel Teodoreanu, daramata de interese imobiliare | |
Cristian Matasa, Gabi Toma, Diana Elisei | 29 Mar 2010 |
Casa in care s-a nascut si a
copilarit scriitorul Ionel Teodoreanu, si pe care a evocat-o in cartile
sale, este aproape naruita. Daca in urma cu doar cateva luni, se tinea
binisor in picioare, in doar o saptamana, oameni "binevoitori" au
transformat-o aproape intr-o ruina. Interesele legate de aceasta
cladire, aflata la un pas de centrul civic, sunt uriase si asa se
explica si faptul ca se doreste cu orice pret demolarea ei, chiar daca
in momentul de fata nu exista o autorizatie valabila in acest sens. In
loc sa fie transformat in casa memoriala, singura, de altfel, a
scriitorului, imobilul, care a fost folosit de-a lungul timpului ca
refugiu pentru boschetari, a fost abondonat acum pana si de acestia.
Totul a inceput in 2005, cand Guvernul de atunci a aprobat, fara un
temei clar stabilit, scoaterea cladirii de pe lista monumentelor
istorice. A urmat apoi vinderea ei si, ulterior, incercarea de a o
darama pentru a se construi acolo un alt imobil. Dar s-au opus vecinii
si autoritatile, asa ca, temporar, s-a renuntat la idee. Acum, insa,
casa memoriala Ionel Teodoreanu se afla inca o data in pericol de
demolare, dupa ce actualii proprietari se chinuie sa obtina de la
Primarie o autorizatie in acest sens. "Autorizatia de demolare pentru
acel imobil a fost eliberata in 2006. Potrivit legii, trebuiau sa anunte
in termen de un an de zile daca se apuca sa o demoleze. Acum, daca
doresc, le trebuie o alta autorizatie", a spus Tudor Vericeanu,
directorul Directiei de Urbanism. Here is another article from the same newspaper written two weeks later - additional info is given of the owners and how moves had been made to save the house... but failed. THIS article is about how the permit for demolition had been obtained - back in 2005 by a woman who I hope will finish her days in the same state of decrepitude as the poor house - and with as much compassion shown to her. THIS one in Jurnalul reports on yet another illegal demolition in Iasi...part of a spate of cultural assassinations that took place in the city last year including Ionel Teodoreanu's house in its research. My experience of Iasi showed me a city of people who were grateful and very proud of their heritage. Everyone I spoke to said the country was going to the maidanezii but that they had a beautiful city steeped in history. I was advised to visit so many places my head spun but we did what we could with the time we had. So what happened to Iasi and its cultural pride, so much part of its spirit. It is a very beautiful city. The House of Culture springs to mind first, the house of Ion Creanga and another of Eminescu. The beautiful churches, the parks and the botanical gardens. Then, 2010 appears and what happens? A gypsified silver roof is slapped on top of the House of Culture that looks so hideous one feels nauseated. Then we hear of Ionel Teodoreanu's house closely followed by another threat - to destroy that of Petru Culianu which did indeed go ahead... Anything else? Is there something I missed? probably. But this is way enough to be going on with. It's an outrage. In Bucharest where the majority doesn't give a flying pig what happens to history and patrimony, well, it makes one's heart bleed but it doesn't surprise anybody anymore. But Iasi. IASI!!! That is another matter entirely. Once the capital of culture and with so many intellectuals born there, great figures from the city - so many in fact that I get lost just trying to count them on two hands... WHAT the hell is going wrong. These greedy, money-swiping, history murdering scumbags, not happy with defacing the capital with agonising scars of destruction are now leaking with a putrefying stink into other cities as well. Leave the country of my heart ALONE!!! Leave... It....Alone..... Go do that in other countries and see what you get. Click HERE ,scroll down to see the horrors that occurred in the year we just kissed goodbye and weep. Literally weep. Roumania will soon have zilch patrimony to leave future generations and the forecasts of friends that I never believed will come to pass. I'm so sick of writing negatively, pessimistically, when this blog started out so sunny and proud. Where did that go? I'll tell you. It got swept up with the rubble of the house on Maria Rosetti and was ground to death under a bulldozer. That's where it went. |