reaction to the "roumanian salute"
I don't really know what to say. I just read this in the Bucharest Herald - the Roumanian bloggers response to the Roumanian Salute which, as someone said on a comment here on Sarah In Romania is 'minable'. Yes, it is. Truly 'minable'. I expected a response - we all did for such a slur could not go without backlash, but this is going too far. Perhaps all the more so, when it hits beyond the belt giving reference to suggested cowardice in battle and past history. It is not what I expected in terms of reaction from the country of my heart. Now, of course, there will be no apology and any semblance to dignity has vanished. Maintaining elegance would have been a far better tool. Instead, these bloggers, whoever they are, have slunk to the level of Lambert - maybe even lower still. What a shame.