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Sarah in Romania
11 octobre 2009

Teodor Maries - Day 70 of hunger strike for truth

Dear Everyone,

Teodor Maries has kept my thoughts occupied these last few days. I have tried to find as much information about the chairman of 21st December Association, but there is very little in English.The fact that this man, now on his 70th day of hunger strike, continues to receive so little media coverage is something of an enigma. Even in the Roumanian press, he hardly gets a mention. Just a few videos on Youtubes where he is interviewed by Pro-TV. Nothing much else.

See below from Ziua:

Bucharest seeks justice in Strasbourg
Published on September 17 2009   |   Ziua

Ziua, 17 September, 2009

Ziua, 17 September, 2009

Romanians have filed more cases at the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) than the members of any other nation. As Ziua explains, the record number mainly relates to complaints from the families of the 1,600 people who were killed during the December 1989 Romanian Revolution, which overthrew the regime of Nicolae Ceauşescu. None of those responsible for the killings have been identified by the Romanian courts. On 6 August, the chairman of the civil society group "21 December" (the date which marked the fall of Ceauşescu), Teodor Maries, embarked on a hunger strike to protest against Bucharest's failure to fulfill its obligations to the ECHR. To put an end to this situation, Romanian President Traian Basescu, called for a rapid solution: "It's unacceptable," he told the Bucharest daily. "The Revolution and the Mineriad [when rioting miners took to the streets in support of the post-communist government] resulted in 1,600 dead, and no one is to blame. Justice must be done!" Ziua reports that starting on 11 September, "staff at the General Prosecutor's Office went to work with 27 photocopy machines to prepare copies of the 1,000 volumes of files pertaining to the Revolution, which will shortly be sent to Strasbourg."

Pintea, thank you for your comment. It's a free country and one can always say what one likes on a blog comment since it is protected by anonymity. I had to ask for a translation because it's full of words I had never learned in Roumanian - now I understand why. Your usage of offensive insults towards the jewish population is abject and intolerable. However, it reflects far worse on you than it does on them.<br /> Merry Christmas and a Happy end of Hannukah.
ca sa aveti o imagine mai clara asupra rervolutiei ce trebuie sa stiti e ca acesta a fost un joc al jidanilor .cum credeti ca intreaga europa de est sa trezit peste noapte in revolutie.hai nu mai fiti copii.lumea este condusa de jidani si america a avut cel mai mare interes.Pacepa cel mai mare tradator al tuturor timpurilor este indirect unul din vinovatii pentru tot ce sa intimplat la revolutie,informatia sa a ajutat la lovitura de stat ce a avut loc.intrebarea e ce se poate face pentru a aduce in fata justitiei pe aceste animale .raspunsul e simplu. nimic.daca incerci in sec XXI sa faci justitie trebuie sa ai o doza de nebunie,foarte multi bani,s-au sa-ti dedici toata viata pentru un popor pe care daca ar fi sa-l treci prin sita cred ca nu mai mult de 30% ar putea fi considerati oameni . un sfat sincer daca aveti o pregatire si multa ambitie parasiti tara si uitati ca sinteti Romani.stiu ca nu e bine dar e sanatos
Imi pare rau pt sora dv ca a fost aveti dreptate in tot ce ziceti. Incercam sa ilustrez ca nimic nu se misca in tara asta de doi lei. <br /> <br /> Aveam 8 ani in 90 si nu sunt din Bucuresti...dar stau acum in Bucuresti. Dl Maries poate sa stea acolo mii de ani pe nimeni nu doare undeva dintre politicieni. <br /> <br /> Dupa cum vedeti zilele astea (ca intotdeauna de altfel) pe ei ii doare mai mult cine o sa castige guvernu, prezidentiale...NICAIERI NU APARE OMU DE RAND. Nimeni nu zice "Dar pt oamenii astia ce facem? Pt tara asta ce facem? " . <br /> <br /> Din pct meu de vedere este o mentalitate care greu va fi scoasa pt ca toti prapaditii de politicieni provin oameni de joasa spetza (ma rog ..aproape toti) <br /> <br /> Iliescu...da e nu nenorocit...cum este si basescu. Nici pe timpu lui nu a functionat nimic. Va dau un examplu clar: O ruda apropiata mie a murit in accident de masina in 2006 pe 2 ianuarie. Era pe locu din dreapta. Ala a intrat ca boul in pom. Nici in ziua de azi nu s a dat un amana se amana se amana pt nuj cati ani. Deci trebuie 4 ani pt o kestie care poate fi judecata in 1 zi. Ce mare lucru? astea sunt datele..astea sunt declaratiile.. tragem o concluzie. <br /> <br /> Nu o sa ajungem prea departe asa... <br /> <br /> Sanatate si de toate, <br /> Catalin
Imi cer scuze ca scriu in romaneste, dar engleza mea nu este asa buna ca a Dvs. Cred ca ati inteles gresit: dl. Maries face greva foamei nu pentru ca serviciile bancare la noi sunt proaste sau ca politia nu-si face treaba. Dl. Maries isi pune viata in pericol pentru ca vrea ca dosarele privind lovilutia in 89 si mineriadele (nu stiu daca erati nascut atunci sau daca sunteti din Bucuresti)sa fie facute publice. Este un abuz , o palma adusa intregului popor roman ca acei generali de securitate responsabili atunci pentru uciderea a sute de demonstranti precum si cei ca Iliescu care in 1990,in 3 mineriade succesive (Ian., Feb. si Iunie) au ordonat minerilor sa vina la Bucuresti cu lanturi si tarnacoape ca sa bata si sa jefuiasca publicul pasnic si in acelasi timp sa bage spaima in membrii partidelor de opozitie. Poate nu stiti ca si atunci au murit sau au fost schilodite sute de persoane iar minerii strigau: "moarte intelectualilor" sau "Noi muncim, nu gandim". Sora mea a fost atunci si ea batuta pe strada deoarece purta.. ochelari de soare.<br /> Cum scriam mai sus, in afara de Miron Cozma, nimeni nu a fost pedepsit, cu atat mai mult cei care au pus la dispozitia minerilor zecile de vagoane ca sa-i transporte la Bucuresti precum si rachiul care sa-i imbete.<br /> Deci, dl Maries nu face greva foamei pt.a protesta impotriva coruptiei, sau ca nu exista respect pentu noi, publicul de rand ci vrea ca cei care au ordonat acele faradelegi sa fie trasi la raspundere si judecati.
It's incredible how a man can die from starvation for protecting his rights. I live in Romania and I see every day that things are getting even worse. <br /> <br /> Basescu shattered all our dreams. People, it's been 20 years from revolution (if it was one) and we are struggling in the same problems. No roads, no schools, no social assistance. <br /> <br /> No body gives a damn about the poor man. I personally know a few people who were senators. They are low quality people ...the same with those who have the power now. Even if Teodor will stay in hunger for 1000 days...nothing will be fixed. <br /> <br /> The root for all this is that most of the romanians are very low quality people. YOu see that all day long. You go at the bank to ask for a service and they answer you with a strange go to the police because you car got stolen and you receive the answer "get them and bring them to us" and so on and so forth. <br /> <br /> I don't care anymore even though I know that is not a good habit to have. <br /> <br /> It's not that one of them is bad (talking about politicians) or a certain party is bad....THE ENTIRE POLITICAL CLASS IS BAD...
Sarah in Romania
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