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Sarah in Romania
13 mai 2008

Monday Evening

P5120004Dear All,

Brigitte and I arrived at the 21 Dec Association, 24a Str. Batistei (pic left), slap bang opposite the old Securitate building, to discover that everyone had left. But never mind! Carmen Dorotheea (pic right with Brigitte) was there manning the office and declaring war on paperwork. What a marvellous, elegant and cultured P5120009lady she is. She insisted we go back to her's (who are we to argue?!) instead - and there unfolded a really spectacular evening of music, history, photos, good wine in the two-roomed apartment she shares with her husband Lucian, at the back of a lovely house. They could have left, but it's such a beautiful old villa. Their bedroom window sides onto a wondrous garden full of pusscats fed night and morning by Carmen. In a room furnished floor to ceiling with books, Carmen and I lost ourselves in conversation whilst Brigitte went over old memories with Lucian, stoked by black and white pix of 1989, Piata Universitatii.

P5120015Both of them stalwart revolutionaries, they still have hope for the future of this most charismatic and paradoxal country, though are sickened by the idiots that run it, the state of education, the lack of interest for history, the new generation. Carmen, a physicist and engineer by profession and a mathematician by passion is fascinated by everything: astrology, ethymology, sociology, philosophy, poetry and literature...there seems no end to her interests. Her computer is hot from research and I think she could well enter into competition with Nicole for dates, placesP5120012 and people of history. Those two would just hit it off at once. Carmen, the most revolutionary I believe of the couple, looks far more like an elegant countess or duchess than an ex-enemy of the people. Her husband, Lucian, however, looks like your typical rebel and revolutionary. A kind of adorable Captain Pugwash with his t'shirt reading 'Mai Bine Mort Decât Comunist' (Better Dead Than P5120016Communist) and beard. As cultured and fascinating to hear as his wife, the eveningP5120013 went by so fast that I couldn't believe it was 1h when I fished out my phone to check for messages.

What a fabulous couple. Courageous, strong, full of anecdotes and a love of life despite everything. I will definitely see them again with great pleasure. I loved Carmen at once and it was as if I'd known her for ages. Language wasn't a barrier, as she spoke elegant Roumanian, clearly and eloquently. I really think she always speaks P5120017like that and it wasn't just for my benefit. My God, there's so much to learn. Will it never end? The stories that still make me want to cry, that make my hair stand on end and give me goose pimples? I hope the tales of sufferance and human sacrifice never cease to make me feel that way. If ever the day comes when I become immune, cart me off to the vet, my friends...

Love, Sarah xox

Mulțumesc că ai șters repetițiile inutile.<br /> Nu te-am mai auzit și mi-e dor de tine.<br /> Te pupic<br /> Carmen
Esti o scumpă (adică foarte, f., draguță).Mulțumiri din inima pentru comentariul tău. M-ai impresionat. Nu scriu în engleză că mi-e mai greu sa scriu corect, dar eu doresc sa înțelegi limba romăna. Am și eu un blog în construcție dar abea l-am început. Noi nu dorim decât sa ducem o viațâ normală în țara noastră și este destul de greu deocamdată. Scriu cu literele specifice din limba romană pentru ca să înțelegi mesajul mai usor.<br /> Te pup și aștept să ne revedem!<br /> Cu drag,<br /> Carmen
Sarah in Romania
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